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Unemployment Topline Indicators, Annual And Quarterly

Updated 2 months ago

MOM (Ministry of Manpower)
  • Seasonally adjusted data are revised using the latest set of seasonal factors and updated in line with standard seasonal adjustment procedure. The revision is done once a year, taking into account observations for the latest available year.
  • Annual figures are the simple averages of the non-seasonally adjusted unemployment figures obtained at quarterly intervals.

Source: Labour Force Survey, Manpower Research & Statistics Department, MOM, except data for June 1995, June 2000 and June 2005, which are from the Population Census 2000, General Household Surveys 1995 & 2005 conducted by the Department of Statistics.

12 related datasets

Related datasets are grouped into a collection based on themes, topics or common attributes for easier access and exploration. All datasets within a collection are published and managed by the same agency.

Sample OpenAPI query

This code can be used to test a sample API query. It retrieves the metadata for this collection. For a complete guide on query parameters and syntax, please refer to the API documentation. Try it out on your browser to see the response schema.

import requests
collection_id = 2119          
url = "https://api-production.data.gov.sg/v2/public/api/collections/{}/metadata".format(collection_id)
response = requests.get(url)