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Intake, Enrolment and Graduates by Institutions

Updated 4 months ago

MOE (Ministry of Education)
  1. Intake figures include students who entered directly into the second and subsequent years.
  2. University figures are for first degree only.
  3. National Institute of Education (NIE) figures are for Diplomas and Post-graduate Diplomas in education-related subjects. BA / BSc (Education) figures are included under Nanyang Technological University.
  4. Polytechnic figures are for full-time diploma courses only.
  5. LASALLE College of the Arts and Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) first degree figures are for publicly-funded full-time courses (started in 2012 and 2011 respectively) only.
  6. Institute of Technical Education (ITE) was established in 1992 to replace the former Vocational & Industrial Training Board. ITE figures exclude apprentices.

3 related datasets

Related datasets are grouped into a collection based on themes, topics or common attributes for easier access and exploration. All datasets within a collection are published and managed by the same agency.

Enrolment by Institutions

CSV4 months ago

Coverage: Jan 1982 to Jan 2022

Graduates by institutions

CSV4 months ago

Coverage: Jan 1983 to Jan 2022

Intake by Institutions

CSV4 months ago

Coverage: Jan 1982 to Jan 2022

Sample OpenAPI query

This code can be used to test a sample API query. It retrieves the metadata for this collection. For a complete guide on query parameters and syntax, please refer to the API documentation. Try it out on your browser to see the response schema.

import requests
collectionId = 452          
url = "https://api-production.data.gov.sg/v2/public/api/collections/{}/metadata".format(collectionId)
response = requests.get(url)