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Enrolment - Primary, By Level

Updated 4 months ago

MOE (Ministry of Education)
  1. The channelling of Primary 3 students into Primary 4 Normal, Extended and Monolingual streams was replaced in 1992 by channelling at Primary 4 into Primary 5 EM1, EM2 and EM3 streams.

  2. Total primary enrolment includes Primary 7 and Primary 8 students from the Extended and Monolingual streams.

  3. Since 2004, the distinction between the EM1 and EM2 streams have been removed and schools were given the autonomy to decide on how best to band their students by ability, in ways that added the most educational value. Since 2008, Subject-based Banding was introduced for the Primary 5 cohort and streaming was removed. With Subject-based Banding, students are able to offer a mix of Standard or Foundation level subjects depending on their aptitude in each subject.

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Sample OpenAPI query

This code can be used to test a sample API query. It retrieves the metadata for this collection. For a complete guide on query parameters and syntax, please refer to the API documentation. Try it out on your browser to see the response schema.

import requests
collectionId = 458          
url = "https://api-production.data.gov.sg/v2/public/api/collections/{}/metadata".format(collectionId)
response = requests.get(url)