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Newspapers-Straits Eurasian Advocate-1888

Data from Feb 2024 to Feb 2025Updated 9 months ago

NLB (National Library Board)

This dataset is a list of digitised out-of-copyright newspaper articles from the National Library, Singapore.

These materials present a valuable resource on Singapore’s history, art and culture, digitised as part of an endeavour to preserve and provide better access to resources located within the library to enable users to explore and discover these resources.

For enquiries, please email ref@nlb.gov.sg

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NewspapersStraitsEurasianAdvocate1888.csv (293 rows, 114.3 KB)

Newspaper title
Issue id
Issue date
Page id
Page number
Article id
Article title
Article text 1st50words
Straits Eurasian Advocate100.0%
5 May 18886.5%
12 May 18886.5%
16 June 18886.5%
30 June 18886.5%
Straits Eurasian Advocatestraitseurasian18880317-117 March 18881straitseurasian18880317-1.1.11straitseurasian18880317-1.2.1MastheadTHE Straits Eurasian Advocate. A WEEKLY PAPER PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. VOL. I. SINGAPORE, UTCJIDAY 17th MARCH, I*BB \'>. 1 nNA
Straits Eurasian Advocatestraitseurasian18880317-117 March 18881straitseurasian18880317-1.1.11straitseurasian18880317- 1 Advertisements Column 1TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Quart erl) 1 $Lit»o>i $t«6»Ctt6#ti in Xki $tutih yl ll lll i, RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS," lines and uiuk»r...3 i*< nts per li' c tot each ID '(ion. Over 25 liiu'H 2 do. do, Knll Column One Dolitt do, do. of l i.nii per Mensem. Contracts entered intoNA
Straits Eurasian Advocatestraitseurasian18880317-117 March 18881straitseurasian18880317-1.1.11straitseurasian18880317- 1 Advertisements Column 2LADIES DEPARTMENT. Velveteens in light evening shade*. n8 in rioui Khad< s. j bl pi tin moy !m" i l:v l '^embroidered and plain, re i bronze itrap ihoss, Laities' white kid '■our* <hoes Pparl and fancy buckles f or dress,.^ CorHeti ••Th.' Sew* 1 Khortonin Udiss India Oanse v-i.NA
Straits Eurasian Advocatestraitseurasian18880317-117 March 18881straitseurasian18880317-1.1.11straitseurasian18880317- 1 Advertisements Column 3KATZ BROTHERS. //l 17/ \/;n i y i ir[(Ki:i> oVu: iv i tn z^ Qi pasting n I sin- ie iron be Istmdi Double do. Patent wroren spring mattwsei Woollen xpring ina(tns>i< BeiMii\frK. al way* on hiuid. Thone< bent wood ohaim. Couuhes, Rooking chairs, xolas, Office -h.iirs and i tusiuNA
Straits Eurasian Advocatestraitseurasian18880317-117 March 18881straitseurasian18880317-1.1.22straitseurasian18880317-1.2.3LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS.LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. yingoptrr, 11th March, ISSS. PRODUCE. finniixT 7, fin. 'IIU So. I |o*9o. fin. do. Xn. 2. 9,45, Copra, Bali 4jOO. do. Pontinak B.7<>. Pepper, Mack 11,76. Bago Flour, Sarawak t.671. Pearl Sagu 2.">.j. Coffee, Bali 3&80. Tapiooa nnail Plaki MO. fin. no. Ist (junlifv n ().."»<». do.NA
Straits Eurasian Advocatestraitseurasian18880317-117 March 18881straitseurasian18880317-1.1.22straitseurasian18880317-1.2.4CALENDAR.CALENDAR. s,ii aniaj 1 7i Ii Haroh Bt, Patdek*i day, Suiultn »..18th i" PaiMimi bmidttj IfcHidttj ...r.'ili do, TiwucUn ...i'"ili (ki ■".!;!> L'l-I dO Thuindii) i i<l 1 In. Iriihiv ..."J-i'l dn.NA
Straits Eurasian Advocatestraitseurasian18880317-117 March 18881straitseurasian18880317-1.1.22straitseurasian18880317-1.2.5SATURDAY, 17th MARCH, 1888. The Straits Eurasian Advocate. THE CIVIL PROCEDURE ORDINANCE 1878.SATURDAY, 17th MARCH, 1888. The Straits Eurasian Advocate. THE CIVIL PROCEDURE ORDINANCE 1878. Tl R j»i' >cedmv in ihe I 'w\\ 'mn is I.! IS 'u|< if V IIS 1< i ill l i'( >Y(M'V of i m 1 Li- 1 1 1 i i for a Liquidated demand underNA
Straits Eurasian Advocatestraitseurasian18880317-117 March 18881straitseurasian18880317-1.1.22straitseurasian18880317- 2 Advertisements Column 1IVANTKH. ii "i" ■••!al»!«- Kura>i«n an Appn-ntirt-. K. n-nrfH rer|iiiml. Apply tv J (rRAKAM, Battery K«»atl. SinjrajM.iv, L'xrl .1 miiary, 1>' SHNOTICE, IMPAIRED VISION, LWN IMvVCi: AND |fAYO< OI'TII VI MM 1 hTICIAXS. F.i i\ I)(>\. c\l.i ITT\ AXI) BOMBAY. Ml:. LaWRKX( M"I 11" .i t" >\ 6 !inn niUjNA
Straits Eurasian Advocatestraitseurasian18880317-117 March 18881straitseurasian18880317-1.1.33straitseurasian18880317-1.2.7Random Shots by our facetious correspondent.Random Shots by our facetious correspondent. W'ni id it nut 1h- well foe the European Constables to perambulate by twoi from town to Rocbore every four boon. They woulp kill two birdi with one itoue gurpnse visit on the Native Constables and gambling and gambler*. fain glad t lie MunicipalNA
Straits Eurasian Advocatestraitseurasian18880317-117 March 18881straitseurasian18880317-1.1.33straitseurasian18880317-1.2.8INSPECTOR OF TELEGRAPH LINES PERAK.INSPECTOR OF TELEGRAPH LINES PERAK. A i J !L I inn i rites here have -■>■ loai f a tfc raid 9eitl< i n<> ■bn ii incut bioh car i ttb i! ope innam, tree quart re, b nd ti Ing allo? ana Among the v m received were hoseNA

Column legend

Column name
Data type
Unit of measure
Newspaper titlenewspaper_titleText-Title of newspaper
Issue idissue_idText-Issue ID
Issue dateissue_dateText-Issue date
Page idpage_idText-Page ID
Page numberpage_numberText-Page number
Article idarticle_idText-Article ID
Article titlearticle_titleText-Title of article
Article text 1st50wordsarticle_text_1st50wordsText-First 50 words of the article text
ContributorcontributorText-Contributor- an entity that made contributions to the article
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dataset_id = "d_1a0e13ffcdd67a3954f12cec0b63a1d1"
url = "https://data.gov.sg/api/action/datastore_search?resource_id="  + dataset_id 
response = requests.get(url)


This dataset can be reused and cited in research publications.

National Library Board. (2022). Newspapers-Straits Eurasian Advocate-1888 (2024) [Dataset]. data.gov.sg. Retrieved February 18, 2025 from https://data.gov.sg/datasets/d_1a0e13ffcdd67a3954f12cec0b63a1d1/view

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Created on

26 Sep 2022


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NLB (National Library Board)