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Data from Feb 2024 to Feb 2025Updated 9 months ago
NLB (National Library Board)This dataset is a list of ephemera, including prints, paintings, posters and postcards, digitised from the collections of the National Library, Singapore.
These materials present a valuable resource on Singapore’s history, art and culture, digitised as part of an endeavour to preserve and provide better access to resources located within the library to enable users to explore and discover these resources.
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Identifier uri Text | Identifier uuid Text | Title Text | Alternative Text | Creator Text | Creator people Text | Creator people cn Text | Creator orgs Text | Creator orgs cn Text | Creator lcna Text | Contributor Text | Contributor people Text | Contributor people cn Text | Contributor orgs Text | Contributor orgs cn Text | Contributor lcna Text | Digital publisher Text | Original publisher Text | Is referenced by Text | Date created Text | Description Text | Abstract Text | Table Of Contents Text | Subject lcsh Text | Subject singheritage Text | Language Text | Ispartof Collection Text | Nlb type Text | Rights Text | Access rights Text |
(Null)4.5% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)66.5% | (Null)87.8% Ravindran Drama Group Limited5.5% _Organisation:Ivann Productions1.6% Avant Theatre and Language1.2% Vijayalaksmi Kannan0.6% | (Null)98.5% S.S. Sarma0.4% Nabilah Said {18662767}0.1% Johnny Jon Jon {18742197}0.1% Zulkifle Mahmod {18594065}0.1% | (Null)100.0% | (Null)84.5% Alpha Gallery (Singapore) {18605517}5.9% Teater Ekamatra {18339103}2.7% Teater Artistik {18339102}2.4% 2Tango Dazzle Ltd1.2% | (Null)99.6% 新加坡艺联剧团 {18453254}0.4% | (Null)100.0% | (Null)2.6% Owner:Lim Shao Bin|Donor:Lim Shao Bin43.0% Owner:Avant Theatre and Language|Donor:Avant Theatre and Language9.6% Owner:Dorothy Tan and Joyce Tan|Donor:Dorothy Tan and Joyce Tan7.2% Owner:Ravindran Drama Group Limited|Donor:Ravindran Drama Group Limited6.1% | (Null)97.0% Author:Loon, Robin Seong Yun {18526032}0.1% Actor:Chew, Gerald {18742036}|Actor:Najib Soiman {18741853}0.1% Artist:Anuar Rashid {18741764}0.1% Artist:Tan, Deborah {18549301}0.1% | (Null)100.0% | (Null)99.9% Producer:Indian Arts Centre {18595902}0.1% | (Null)100.0% | (Null)95.2% Artist:Yap, Arthur0.3% Producer:TheatreWorks (Firm : Singapore)|Director:Ong, Keng Sen0.3% Director:Aidli Mosbit, 1973-0.2% Artist:Chong, Fahcheong, 1946-0.2% | (Null)0.0% National Library Board Singapore94.9% Ministry of Health2.3% Workplace Safety and Health Council1.2% National Archives of Singapore0.7% | (Null)84.9% Teater Ekamatra6.3% The Continental Stamp Company1.7% Max H. Hilckes1.4% Henderson Secondary School1.0% | (Null)69.8% 2028941117.2% 20314971611.3% 2038123083.9% 2043275175.2% | (Null)28.6% 19225.6% 20144.1% 20156.7% 1900 / 195019.5% | (Null)40.1% | (Null)78.0% | (Null)75.7% தேதி: 19-20 ஜூன் 2015இடம்: விக்டோரியா திரையரங்குஇயக்குநர்: செல்வநாதன் ஜிஎழுத்தாளர்: அறிவழகன் தயாரிப்பாளர்: அவாண்ட் தியேட்டர்விவரங்கள்: SG50 கொண்டாட்டங்களின் ஒரு பகுதியாக, அவாண்ட் தியேட்டர் பார்வையாளர்களை 1975க்கு அழைத்துச் செல்கிறது இந்நாடகம். அரசு ஊழியர்களின் குடியிருப்பின் அனுபவங்களை விவரிப்பதோடு அன்று மக்கள் எவ்வாறு அக்கம் பக்கத்தாருடன் ஒற்றுமையாக இருந்தனர் என்பதையும் அழகாகக் காட்டுகிறது இந்நாடகம். Date: 19-20 Jun 2015Venue: Victoria TheatreDirected by: Selvananthan GWritten by: ArivazhaganProduced by: Avant TheatreDetails: As part of the SG50 celebrations, Avant Theatre proudly presents Quarters, a theatrical extravaganza featuring a multicultural cast that will take audiences back to 1975 Singapore. The play is set in ‘quarters’, a type of housing that accommodated families of staff who predominantly worked for the Public Utilities Board and other statutory boards. Relive the good old days when neighbours lived harmoniously with each other and led the simple life, paving the way for a Multicultural Singapore.3.4% தேதி: 27 ஜூன் 2015இடம்: NUS UCC ஆடிட்டோரியம்இயக்குனர்: சுப்பிரமணியன் கணேஷ்எழுத்தாளர்: நல்லு தினகரன், அழகப்பன் தயாரிப்பாளர்: ரவிந்திரன் நாடகக் குழுவிவரங்கள்: சிங்கப்பூரின் தமிழ்ப் பத்திரிகையான தமிழ் முரசைத் தொடங்கிய திரு. சாரங்கபாணி அவர்களின் வாழ்க்கை வரலாறு இது. Date: 27 Jun 2015Venue: University Cultural Centre (UCC) Auditorium, NUSDirected by: Subramanian GaneshWritten by: Nallu Dhinakaran, AlahappanProduced by: Ravindran Drama GroupDetails: Staged to a full house audience of 1800 people, this magum opus traces the life story of Ko Sarangapani, the man who started the Tamil newspaper Tamil Murasu in Singapore and its rise to becoming the voice of the community. 2015 happens to be both the 50th year of Singapore's independence as well as the 80th year of the establishment of Tamil Murasu. The objective of our project is to commemorate both of these important events by shedding light on the contributions to nation-building by Tamil Singaporeans and the important role Tamil language and culture have played in Singapore's history.2.0% இடம்: எஸ்ப்ளேன்டே தியேட்டர்இயக்குநர்: நாரா எஸ்.என்.விஎழுத்தாளர்: நாரா எஸ்.என்.விதயாரிப்பாளர் : இவண் நாடகக் குழுவிவரங்கள்: ஒரு விஞ்ஞானி தனது ஆராய்ச்சியின் மூலம் கண்டுபிடிக்கும் ரகசியத்தைக்கொண்டு, சிறுவர்கள் சிலர் ஒரு தேடல் பணியில் ஈடுபடுவதைக் கருவாகக் கொண்ட நாடகம் இது.Date: 7 - 10 Jan 2010Venue: Esplanade TheatreDirected by: Nara SNVWritten by: Nara SNVProduced by: Ivann ProductionDetails: The plays explores the mission undertaken by a group of children using a secret discovered by a scientist.1.5% தேதி: 6-8 டிசம்பர் 2012இடம்: ஆர்ட் ஹவுஸ் ப்ளே டென்இயக்குநர்: செல்வநாதன் ஜிஎழுத்தாளர்: உமையாள் திருதயாரிப்பாளர்: அவாண்ட் தியேட்டர்விவரங்கள்: இது ரேஜினால்ட் ரோஸ் எழுதிய '12 எங்கிரி மேன்' என்னும் படைப்பால் ஈர்க்கப்பட்டு அரங்கேறிய நாடகம். பெரிதும் பாராட்டப்பட்ட இந்நாடகம், அமெரிக்காவின் சட்டமுறையைப் பற்றிச் சொல்கிறது. இது பார்வையாளர்களை இயக்குநர்களாகப் பங்குகொள்ள வைத்ததோடு யார் எந்தக் கதாபாத்திரத்தில் நடிக்க வேண்டும் என முடிவு செய்யவும் வைக்கிறது. இது நடிகர்களிடம் மறைந்துள்ள திறனை அடையாளம் காட்டுவதால் அதிகளவில் வரவேற்பைப் பெறுகிறது. Date: 6, 7 and 8 Dec 2012Venue: Arts House Play DenDirected by: Selvananthan GWritten by: Umayal ThiruProduced by: Avant TheatreDetails: Inspired by the play written by Reginald Rose, Twelve Angry Men, this highly-acclaimed stage play attempts to depict the reality of the American legal/jury system. It is presented as an Audience Mediated Play where the audience become the directors and mediates who takes on their favourite roles from the play Twelve Angry Men. This is a first time attempt where actors prepare to perform as any character in the play based on the choice of the audience as the actors enter the auditorium. This play is highly motivating and explores the unknown strength of the actors that truly validates a stage actor’s professionalism.1.0% | (Null)7.9% | (Null)4.8% | (Null)23.0% eng37.0% eng|tam8.7% eng|Japanese7.2% may3.9% | (Null)0.0% NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>SNAP {10128}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Rare Materials Collection {10122}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Donors' Collection>>Lim Shao Bin Collection {18578763}42.2% NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>NORA {10120}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Donors' Collection>>Avant Theatre and Language Collection {18589865}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Heritage Collection>>Tamil Theatre Archive Project {18585733}9.6% NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>SNAP {10128}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Donors' Collection>> Song Ong Siang Collection {18589878}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Rare Materials Collection {10122}7.2% NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Heritage Collection {10125}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Donors' Collection>>Datuk Seri Lim Chong Keat Collection {18584433}6.1% | (Null)0.0% Postcard {18335738}51.0% Poster {18335739}35.3% Ephemera {18491069}13.5% Poster {18335734}0.1% | (Null)6.8% The copyrights to the Lim Shao Bin Collection belong to various parties, as declared in the documents; images; letters; etc. kindly shared by Lim Shao Bin. Use and reproduction require written permission.43.0% All rights reserved, Sir Song Ong Siang postcard collection © various, 1922, Singapore5.6% All rights reserved. Avant Theatre and Language, 20153.7% All rights reserved. Ravindran Drama Group Limited, 20152.0% | (Null)0.1% The information on this page and any images that appear here may be used for private research and study purposes only. They may not be copied, altered or amended in any way without first gaining the permission of the copyright holder.99.9% This copy is for online viewing only on the National Online Repository of the Arts and may not be printed, downloaded or reproduced in any form without first gaining the permission from the copyright holder of the original work.0.1% | | 000b4f52-532c-4a19-ade6-bbf4c87ed9a2 | Singapore. Commercial Square. Soldiers returning from an official reception. Johnson Pier | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Owner:Lim Shao Bin|Donor:Lim Shao Bin | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | National Library Board Singapore | Max H. Hilckes | NA | NA | This is a black-and-white postcard with a photograph of a column of soldiers marching through Commercial Square. On both sides of the column are milling crowds following the progress of the soldiers. On the right is a two-storey colonial-style building. The back of the postcard is unwritten. Date of creation estimated. | NA | NA | Central business districts--Singapore--Pictorial works|Soldiers--Singapore--Pictorial works | Business districts {18455249}|National security {18336135} | NA | NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>SNAP {10128}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Rare Materials Collection {10122}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Donors' Collection>>Lim Shao Bin Collection {18578763} | Postcard {18335738} | The copyrights to the Lim Shao Bin Collection belong to various parties, as declared in the documents; images; letters; etc. kindly shared by Lim Shao Bin. Use and reproduction require written permission. | The information on this page and any images that appear here may be used for private research and study purposes only. They may not be copied, altered or amended in any way without first gaining the permission of the copyright holder. | | 00309c69-bca7-4c4d-ae2b-bd69badccdef | Japanese girl holding a doll | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Owner:Lim Shao Bin|Donor:Lim Shao Bin | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | National Library Board Singapore | NA | NA | NA | This postcard from the “Lim Shao Bin Collection” features a photograph of a Japanese girl posing with a doll in her hands. The girl is wearing a traditional Japanese hairstyle, and dressed in traditional Japanese costume. The back of the postcard contains a message to Sophie Kruger, who stays in Germany. A Straits Settlements postage stamp is affixed at the top right-hand corner. Title devised by Library staff. | NA | NA | Girls--Japan--Pctorial works|Dolls--Japan--Pctorial works|Portrait photography--Japan | Children {18486584}|Portrait photography {18337492} | German | NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>SNAP {10128}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Rare Materials Collection {10122}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Donors' Collection>>Lim Shao Bin Collection {18578763} | Postcard {18335738} | The copyrights to the Lim Shao Bin Collection belong to various parties, as declared in the documents; images; letters; etc. kindly shared by Lim Shao Bin. Use and reproduction require written permission. | The information on this page and any images that appear here may be used for private research and study purposes only. They may not be copied, altered or amended in any way without first gaining the permission of the copyright holder. | | 00758a34-77b7-4eaf-9654-4bac522f0e89 | Casino Palace Hotel at Port Said, postcard : back | Port-Said, The Casino | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Owner:Dorothy Tan and Joyce Tan|Donor:Dorothy Tan and Joyce Tan | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | National Library Board Singapore | NA | 202894111 | 1922 | Port-Said, The Casino | NA | NA | Postcards--Egypt|Hotels--Egypt--Suez Canal--Pictorial works|Suez Canal (Egypt)--Pictorial works | Streets and Places {18336099}|Commercial buildings {18336159} | NA | NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>SNAP {10128}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Donors' Collection>> Song Ong Siang Collection {18589878}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Rare Materials Collection {10122} | Postcard {18335738} | All rights reserved, Sir Song Ong Siang postcard collection © various, 1922, Singapore | The information on this page and any images that appear here may be used for private research and study purposes only. They may not be copied, altered or amended in any way without first gaining the permission of the copyright holder. | | 00a010a0-3027-4c1e-b03f-61cb1ebea05c | 18 naatkal, poster 1918 நாட்கள் | NA | _Organisation:Ivann Productions | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Owner:Ivann Productions|Donor:Ivann Productions|Creator:Ivann Productions | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | National Library Board Singapore | NA | NA | 2010 | NA | NA | இடம்: எஸ்ப்ளேன்டே தியேட்டர்இயக்குநர்: நாரா எஸ்.என்.விஎழுத்தாளர்: நாரா எஸ்.என்.விதயாரிப்பாளர் : இவண் நாடகக் குழுவிவரங்கள்: ஒரு விஞ்ஞானி தனது ஆராய்ச்சியின் மூலம் கண்டுபிடிக்கும் ரகசியத்தைக்கொண்டு, சிறுவர்கள் சிலர் ஒரு தேடல் பணியில் ஈடுபடுவதைக் கருவாகக் கொண்ட நாடகம் இது.Date: 7 - 10 Jan 2010Venue: Esplanade TheatreDirected by: Nara SNVWritten by: Nara SNVProduced by: Ivann ProductionDetails: The plays explores the mission undertaken by a group of children using a secret discovered by a scientist. | NA | Indian theatre (Art) {18337443} | eng|tam | NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>NORA {10120}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Donors' Collection>>Ivann Productions Collection {18591366}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Heritage Collection>>Tamil Theatre Archive Project {18585733} | Poster {18335739} | All rights reserved. Ivann Productions, 2010 | The information on this page and any images that appear here may be used for private research and study purposes only. They may not be copied, altered or amended in any way without first gaining the permission of the copyright holder. | | 00a8117f-4a1d-499e-9134-4b626285bd50 | Rickshaw puller | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Owner:Lim Shao Bin|Donor:Lim Shao Bin | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | National Library Board Singapore | NA | 204327517 | NA | This postcard shows a rickshaw puller standing in a deserted area with his rickshaw. He is barefooted and wearing a straw hat. His shirt is unbuttoned with some tear. Behind him are rows of tall trees. No date of creation estimated. Title by Library staff. Description by Library staff. | NA | NA | Rickshaw men--Singapore--Pictorial works|Rickshaws--Singapore--Pictorial works|Working poor--Singapore--Pictorial works|Trees--Singapore--Pictorial works | Labour and employment {18336128}|Public transportation {18336554}|Vanishing trade {18486548} | eng|Japanese | NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>SNAP {10128}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Rare Materials Collection {10122}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Donors' Collection>>Lim Shao Bin Collection {18578763} | Postcard {18335738} | The copyrights to the Lim Shao Bin Collection belong to various parties, as declared in the documents; images; letters; etc. kindly shared by Lim Shao Bin. Use and reproduction require written permission. | The information on this page and any images that appear here may be used for private research and study purposes only. They may not be copied, altered or amended in any way without first gaining the permission of the copyright holder. | | 00f9eabd-8b6f-4659-9ebc-e2c11f54fa3f | Espelanade, Singapore | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Owner:Lim Shao Bin|Donor:Lim Shao Bin | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | National Library Board Singapore | NA | NA | 1900 / 1950 | This is a black-and-white postcard with a photograph of a view of the Esplanade (present-day Padang). In the background of the photograph are the buildings of the City Hall and Singapore Cricket Club. The back of the postcard is unwritten. Date of creation estimated. | NA | NA | Padang, The (Singapore)--Pictorial works | Streets and Places {18336099} | NA | NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>SNAP {10128}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Rare Materials Collection {10122}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Donors' Collection>>Lim Shao Bin Collection {18578763} | Postcard {18335738} | The copyrights to the Lim Shao Bin Collection belong to various parties, as declared in the documents; images; letters; etc. kindly shared by Lim Shao Bin. Use and reproduction require written permission. | The information on this page and any images that appear here may be used for private research and study purposes only. They may not be copied, altered or amended in any way without first gaining the permission of the copyright holder. | | 0126cbe0-ea20-4d2b-980a-6a1edb3c55c8 | கவிச்சாரல் | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Owner:Avant Theatre and Language|Donor:Avant Theatre and Language | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | National Library Board Singapore | NA | NA | 2015 | NA | NA | சிங்கப்பூர் கவிஞர்களின் கவிதைத்தொகுப்பின் நாடக வடிவம்Dramatised version of poems written by famous Singapore poets | Tamil drama|Theater--Singapore | Indian theatre (Art) {18337443} | eng|tam | NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>NORA {10120}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Donors' Collection>>Avant Theatre and Language Collection {18589865}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Heritage Collection>>Tamil Theatre Archive Project {18585733} | Poster {18335739} | All rights reserved. Avant Theatre and Language, 2015 | The information on this page and any images that appear here may be used for private research and study purposes only. They may not be copied, altered or amended in any way without first gaining the permission of the copyright holder. | | 01344c93-c5d7-43a0-99cf-51e540a8491b | 1/2 Jalan Merah | Ministry of Information and the Arts presents Fortnight Theatre Artistik, Ekamatra, Kami with a Malay production of 1/2 Red Way | NA | NA | NA | Teater Artistik {18339102}|Teater Ekamatra {18339103}|Teater Kami {18339104} | NA | NA | Owner:Teater Artistik|Donor:Teater Artistik | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | National Library Board Singapore | NA | NA | 1991 | NA | Poster ini memberi maklumat tentang persembahan Teater Artistik, Teater Ekamatra dan Teater Kami yang berjudul "1/2 Jalan Merah", karya Sabri Buang. Drama yang diarahkan oleh Lut Ali, Zulkifli Kassim dan Atin Amat ini, dipersembahkan di Panggung Victoria pada 17 dan 18 Ogos 1991. Butiran-butiran seperti harga tiket dan nombor untuk berhubung juga tertera di poster ini. Contains English terms. | NA | Singaporean drama (Malay)--Posters|Theatrical posters | Malay theatre (Art) {18487021}|Theatrical posters {18337445} | eng|may | NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>NORA {10120}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Donors' Collection>>Teater Artistik Collection {18618263}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Heritage Collection>>Digital Archive of Singapore Malay Theatre {18612589} | Poster {18335739} | NA | The information on this page and any images that appear here may be used for private research and study purposes only. They may not be copied, altered or amended in any way without first gaining the permission of the copyright holder. | | 01454afa-3803-4f6e-9d5a-18e39b8f6344 | Folkstone Harbour, postcard : back | Folkestone: Turbine steamer leaving harbour | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Owner:Dorothy Tan and Joyce Tan|Donor:Dorothy Tan and Joyce Tan | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | National Library Board Singapore | NA | 202894111 | 1922 | This image shows the back of the postcard "Folkstone Harbour, postcard". A message in black ink is handwritten on the divided back of the postcard. Dated "17/9/22", the postcard is written by "S. H." to "Miss P. N. Song". The writer writes of their journey from Brixton to Charing Cross and eventually to Folkestone, and their tiffin at Beach House. The text "Exclusive. Celesque series. Published by the Photochrom Co Ltd. London and Turnbridge Wells" are printed on the left margin of the postcard. The publisher's logo is also printed at the top of the postcard, above the divided back margin. Date of creation estimated. Title devised by Library staff. | NA | NA | Postcards--England|Steamboats--England--Pictorial works|Harbors--England--Pictorial works | Streets and Places {18336099}|Harbours {18336843}|Transportation {18336129} | NA | NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>SNAP {10128}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Donors' Collection>> Song Ong Siang Collection {18589878}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Rare Materials Collection {10122} | Postcard {18335738} | All rights reserved, Sir Song Ong Siang postcard collection © various, 1922, Singapore | The information on this page and any images that appear here may be used for private research and study purposes only. They may not be copied, altered or amended in any way without first gaining the permission of the copyright holder. | | 016f536b-55aa-4396-b48b-67c76f5864c9 | Botanical Garden, Singapore | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Owner:Lim Shao Bin|Donor:Lim Shao Bin | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | National Library Board Singapore | NA | NA | 1900 / 1950 | Date of creation estimated. | NA | NA | NA | NA | Japanese | NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>SNAP {10128}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Rare Materials Collection {10122}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Donors' Collection>>Lim Shao Bin Collection {18578763} | Postcard {18335738} | The copyrights to the Lim Shao Bin Collection belong to various parties, as declared in the documents; images; letters; etc. kindly shared by Lim Shao Bin. Use and reproduction require written permission. | The information on this page and any images that appear here may be used for private research and study purposes only. They may not be copied, altered or amended in any way without first gaining the permission of the copyright holder. |
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Title | Column name | Data type | Unit of measure | Description |
Identifier uri | identifier_uri | Text | - | Identifier: Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) |
Identifier uuid | identifier_uuid | Text | - | Identifier: Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) |
Title | title | Text | - | Title |
Alternative | alternative | Text | - | Alternative title |
Creator | creator | Text | - | Creator- an entity that created the resource |
Creator people | creator_people | Text | - | Creator: Personal name |
Creator people cn | creator_people_cn | Text | - | Creator: Personal name in Chinese |
Creator orgs | creator_orgs | Text | - | Creator: Organisational name |
Creator orgs cn | creator_orgs_cn | Text | - | Creator: Organisational name in Chinese |
Creator lcna | creator_lcna | Text | - | Creator: Library of Congress Name Authorities |
Contributor | contributor | Text | - | Contributor- an entity that made contributions to the resource |
Contributor people | contributor_people | Text | - | Contributor: Personal name |
Contributor people cn | contributor_people_cn | Text | - | Contributor: Personal name in Chinese |
Contributor orgs | contributor_orgs | Text | - | Contributor: Organisational name |
Contributor orgs cn | contributor_orgs_cn | Text | - | Contributor: Organisational name in Chinese |
Contributor lcna | contributor_lcna | Text | - | Contributor: Library of Congress Name Authorities |
Digital publisher | digital_publisher | Text | - | Digital publisher |
Original publisher | original_publisher | Text | - | Original publisher |
Is referenced by | is_referenced_by | Text | - | The Book Record Number (BRN) of the resource(s) in NLB’s LMS (Library Management System) of a related resource that references, cites or points to the described resource |
Date created | date_created | Text | - | Date of creation |
Description | description | Text | - | Description of the resource |
Abstract | abstract | Text | - | Summary of the contents |
Table Of Contents | table_of_contents | Text | - | - |
Subject lcsh | subject_lcsh | Text | - | Topic of the resource (Library of Congress Subject Headings) |
Subject singheritage | subject_singheritage | Text | - | Topic of the resource (NLB Singapore Heritage Taxonomy) |
Language | language | Text | - | Language of the resource |
Ispartof Collection | ispartof_collection | Text | - | Collection name |
Nlb type | nlb_type | Text | - | Nature or genre of the resource |
Rights | rights | Text | - | Rights of the resource |
Access rights | access_rights | Text | - | Access rights of the resource |
This code can be used to test a sample API query. It retrieves the data catalogue of this dataset. For a complete guide on query parameters and syntax, please refer to the API documentation. Try it out on your browser to see the response schema.
import requests
dataset_id = "d_1a94953c006ff5c29929cce48db535de"
url = "" + dataset_id
response = requests.get(url)
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30 Aug 2022
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