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Data from Feb 2024 to Feb 2025Updated 9 months ago
NLB (National Library Board)This dataset is a list of digitised out-of-copyright newspaper articles from the National Library, Singapore.
These materials present a valuable resource on Singapore’s history, art and culture, digitised as part of an endeavour to preserve and provide better access to resources located within the library to enable users to explore and discover these resources.
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Newspaper title Text | Issue id Text | Issue date Text | Edition Text | Page id Text | Page number Text | Article id Text | Article title Text | Article text 1st50words Text | Contributor Text |
(Null)0.0% The Penang Standard and Mercantile Advertiser100.0% | (Null)0.0% penangstandard18790930-11.9% penangstandard18791107-11.9% penangstandard18790821-11.7% penangstandard18790526-11.5% | (Null)0.0% 1879-09-301.9% 1879-11-071.9% 1879-08-211.7% 1879-05-261.5% | (Null)0.0% 1100.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% 117.7% 232.5% 334.3% 415.5% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)93.6% From Straits Times.0.5% (From Straits Times)0.4% #NAME?0.2% (From Straits Times.)0.2% |
The Penang Standard and Mercantile Advertiser | penangstandard18790103-1 | 1879-01-03 | 1 | penangstandard18790103-1.1.1 | 1 | penangstandard18790103-1.2.1 | Masthead | THE Penang Standard AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. jiSjistr'rcd No. 8. The Mercantile P re-99- PUBLISHED IVEB-Y TUESDAY A.LTID PHIDAY. VOL 11. FRDAY 3RD JANUARY 1879. NO. 1 | NA |
The Penang Standard and Mercantile Advertiser | penangstandard18790103-1 | 1879-01-03 | 1 | penangstandard18790103-1.1.3 | 3 | penangstandard18790103- | Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 | SLI I Pl’IN O IN THE HAUBOUK. 'J j Ship’s Nam'3.jCommmder. Flag A Rig Tons. Where From. Cons, or Agents.: Destination. Heron ,Tomlins Brit. str. 55 Glasgow S. Battery. A Co. S. F. or Char/Singapore -Hi Deli jKoh Gum Sale ter Gloria Deo Seliiapacasse It. ship 997 Singapore Win. Hall | NA |
The Penang Standard and Mercantile Advertiser | penangstandard18790103-1 | 1879-01-03 | 1 | penangstandard18790103-1.1.4 | 4 | penangstandard18790103- | Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 | kotos, «ma*., |T 5 "S*r Mr, Theodore Come- No 8 Beacli Stree gH jp (jp IDLERS lius Bogaardt has this Established and day been admitted a COMMISSION AGENTS. Partner in our firm* Perfumery and Toilet requisites L “ompradores General Store-keepers A &c, &q. have always on hand a full stock | NA |
The Penang Standard and Mercantile Advertiser | penangstandard18790103-1 | 1879-01-03 | 1 | penangstandard18790103-1.1.4 | 4 | penangstandard18790103- | Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 | will be regularly supplied and additions made from time to time as the subscribers may desire. —lntending Subscribers will kindly send their names to the Proprietor. The rates of subscription will be as follows; IN ADVANCE. 12 months.... 5 6 do 3 3 do §l-50 IN ARREARSPer Month 75 cents. | NA |
The Penang Standard and Mercantile Advertiser | penangstandard18790103-1 | 1879-01-03 | 1 | penangstandard18790103-1.1.1 | 1 | penangstandard18790103- | Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 | TUB PENANG .STANDARD, SAYLE CO. PENANG HOTEL had at all horn’s. t" N^» CD t,cd DIUPEItsTMLLINERS, 4 ’^tsteeet, MERCANTILE ADVERTISER* OR3S S S M ilJt JJ R S next to EDINBURGH house. NEW GOODS Published Every Tuesday Friday. unoiTDO 9 U TTCDO Within 2 Minutes* Drive From the Jetty. nUolLno | NA |
The Penang Standard and Mercantile Advertiser | penangstandard18790103-1 | 1879-01-03 | 1 | penangstandard18790103-1.1.2 | 2 | penangstandard18790103-1.2.3 | The Penang Standard. | The Penang Standard. Truth against all the world Friday, 3rd January 1S79. The foundation stone ef the Town J/all was laid on the evening of Wednesday last, New Year’s Day, by His Honor the Lieut Governor. The following is a short report of the ceremony as seen by us. Shortly | NA |
The Penang Standard and Mercantile Advertiser | penangstandard18790103-1 | 1879-01-03 | 1 | penangstandard18790103-1.1.2 | 2 | penangstandard18790103-1.2.4 | Local Notes. | Local Notes. On the evening of Tuesday the 39th Dec: last, being in Montri Street we were much surprised to see two stalwart Chinese marching down that street with deadly weapons in their possession viz. long poles to which were attached tridents, a most favorite weapon amongst Chinese and a | NA |
The Penang Standard and Mercantile Advertiser | penangstandard18790103-1 | 1879-01-03 | 1 | penangstandard18790103-1.1.2 | 2 | penangstandard18790103-1.2.5 | VARIETIES. | VARIETIES. From an occassional contributor. A Delicate lucel —A lovely young lady wrapped ip in herself. The advance guard A betrothal "fi/ir’s Muss in the Heir—When your boy cries What is the nearest thing to a cat looking out ofi window—The window. When is an x-tor’s eye like a. lueifer | NA |
The Penang Standard and Mercantile Advertiser | penangstandard18790103-1 | 1879-01-03 | 1 | penangstandard18790103-1.1.2 | 2 | penangstandard18790103-1.2.6 | Correspondence.. | Correspondence.. To the Edito of the “Penang Standard Sir In your ?sue, of lltli October last appeal’d a letter signed Oobee Meerh referring to the! state of theroads in Province Welles- lev in generl but more fartcularlv to mJ n the one kno'n as Jahin Bahru, or Prye Road understand | NA |
The Penang Standard and Mercantile Advertiser | penangstandard18790103-1 | 1879-01-03 | 1 | penangstandard18790103-1.1.2 | 2 | penangstandard18790103-1.2.7 | Telegraphic Summary | Telegraphic Summary From Indian Papers Lahore, 2nd Dec. —The letter from the C<»imnis«ioTi< r of Pesh.iwur to Mustaufi, refor red to in the Ameer’s letter, is a continuation of the correspondence th\t had been going on between rhe British officials nt Peohawur and the Cabul officials, regarding the departure and | NA |
No results found
Title | Column name | Data type | Unit of measure | Description |
Newspaper title | newspaper_title | Text | - | Title of newspaper |
Issue id | issue_id | Text | - | Issue ID |
Issue date | issue_date | Text | - | Issue date |
Edition | edition | Text | - | Edition |
Page id | page_id | Text | - | Page ID |
Page number | page_number | Text | - | Page number |
Article id | article_id | Text | - | Article ID |
Article title | article_title | Text | - | Title of article |
Article text 1st50words | article_text_1st50words | Text | - | First 50 words of the article text |
Contributor | contributor | Text | - | Contributor- an entity that made contributions to the article |
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