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Data from Feb 2024 to Feb 2025Updated 9 months ago
NLB (National Library Board)This dataset is a list of digitised out-of-copyright newspaper articles from the National Library, Singapore.
These materials present a valuable resource on Singapore’s history, art and culture, digitised as part of an endeavour to preserve and provide better access to resources located within the library to enable users to explore and discover these resources.
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Newspaper title Text | Issue id Text | Issue date Text | Edition Text | Page id Text | Page number Text | Article id Text | Article title Text | Article text 1st50words Text | Contributor Text |
(Null)0.0% The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)100.0% | (Null)0.0% straitsechomail19080904-11.2% straitsechomail19081002-10.9% straitsechomail19090108-10.9% straitsechomail19081204-10.9% | (Null)0.0% 4/9/19081.2% 2/10/19080.9% 8/1/19090.9% 4/12/19080.9% | (Null)0.0% 1100.0% | (Null)0.0% straitsechomail19090108-1.1.320.1% straitsechomail19111215- straitsechomail19100304- straitsechomail19081204-1.1.330.1% | (Null)0.0% 11.3% 20.7% 1120.2% 8410.2% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)75.4% (Supplied by Reuter.)10.6% Reuter.3.4% (Supplied by Reuter )1.3% {Supplied by Reuter.)0.6% |
The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) | straitsechomail19080103-1 | 3/1/1908 | 1 | straitsechomail19080103-1.1.1 | 1275 | straitsechomail19080103-1.2.1 | Masthead | THE STRAITS ECHO, MAIL EDITION. ||i Per Annum. Single Copy 40 cents. Vol. 5. Penang, Friday, «3rd January, 1908. No. 53. | NA |
The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) | straitsechomail19080103-1 | 3/1/1908 | 1 | straitsechomail19080103-1.1.3 | 1277 | straitsechomail19080103- | Page 1277 Advertisements Column 1 | The StMfclt® Kcho> v wSSsW Justice satisfies everybody aud justice alone— Published daily (except Sundays.) at th i CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE DAILY LOCAL |24 per annum OUTSTATIONS Postage ExtraMAIL EDITION (Post Free) $15 CABLE ADDRESS Echo—Penang.†Telephone No. 343. N.H, All business communications should | NA |
The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) | straitsechomail19080103-1 | 3/1/1908 | 1 | straitsechomail19080103-1.1.15 | 1289 | straitsechomail19080103- | Page 1289 Advertisements Column 1 | That Means Rheumatism. Sore and swollen joints, sharp shooting pains, torturing muscles, no rest, no sleep. That means rheumatism. It is a stubborn disease to fight, but Chamberlain’s Pain Balm has conquered it thousands of times. It will do so whenever the opportunity is offered. Try it. One application relieves | NA |
The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) | straitsechomail19080103-1 | 3/1/1908 | 1 | straitsechomail19080103-1.1.15 | 1289 | straitsechomail19080103- | Page 1289 Advertisements Column 2 | A Notable Fact. The absence of all narcotics makes Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy the safest and best medicine for all coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough that can be procured. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents. | NA |
The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) | straitsechomail19080103-1 | 3/1/1908 | 1 | straitsechomail19080103-1.1.16 | 1290 | straitsechomail19080103-1.2.101 | Duff Development. | Duff Development. 1« lubrru ting »<couui. for I !><• yar i n Dec 31, 1906. the directors wUte that the ▼due of gold recovered during the hrs eight month» of the current year was about £16.000, re dising a gross profit of about 500 Mr. Marriner estimated that in AuftUit | NA |
The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) | straitsechomail19080103-1 | 3/1/1908 | 1 | straitsechomail19080103-1.1.16 | 1290 | straitsechomail19080103-1.2.102 | During the earlier part of the week Melbourne Inman visited Kuala Lumpur | During the earlier part of the week Melbourne Inman visited Kuala Lumpur and played a game at the Selangor Club against Mr. J. H. Tyte who received 600 in l.OoO, and was beaten by 63. There was a large attendance and at the conclusion of the game Inroan gave a | NA |
The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) | straitsechomail19080103-1 | 3/1/1908 | 1 | straitsechomail19080103-1.1.16 | 1290 | straitsechomail19080103-1.2.103 | It has been ascertained that picric acid, | It has been ascertained that picric acid, which is not usually employed io quarry or mining work in India, wan uaed in the recent attempt to wreck the train of the LieutenantGovernor of Bengal on the Bengal Nagjur Railway. The Railway and the Government are each offering a reward for | NA |
The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) | straitsechomail19080103-1 | 3/1/1908 | 1 | straitsechomail19080103-1.1.16 | 1290 | straitsechomail19080103-1.2.104 | A Dutch armoured cruiser, | A Dutch armoured cruiser, the Koninyia Wilhelmina, hat» been ordered, on her return voyage from Java to Europe, to stay at Jeddah for five days, in order to have a naval demonstration against the Grand Sberif, or head of the Mahommedan religion at Mecca. It seem* that this high dignitary | NA |
The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) | straitsechomail19080103-1 | 3/1/1908 | 1 | straitsechomail19080103-1.1.16 | 1290 | straitsechomail19080103-1.2.105 | It is estimated that | It is estimated that a quartet of a million Mihommelans have died of plagip* in tbe Punjab, solely because they refused to leave infected on tbo ground that Mahomniedans are forbidden to Heo from the wiath of G >d. fhe maulvis (law doctors) ut the Punjab have now issued | NA |
The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) | straitsechomail19080103-1 | 3/1/1908 | 1 | straitsechomail19080103-1.1.16 | 1290 | straitsechomail19080103-1.2.106 | Says a recent issue of the Mining World: | Says a recent issue of the Mining World: Shareholders in the Malay tin mines uie in a pickle’ because they do not know what is meant by a picul They require that someone, in the role of Philip, should ry to them, as that evangelist said to the Ethiopian Eunuch. | NA |
No results found
Title | Column name | Data type | Unit of measure | Description |
Newspaper title | newspaper_title | Text | - | Title of newspaper |
Issue id | issue_id | Text | - | Issue ID |
Issue date | issue_date | Text | - | Issue date |
Edition | edition | Text | - | Edition |
Page id | page_id | Text | - | Page ID |
Page number | page_number | Text | - | Page number |
Article id | article_id | Text | - | Article ID |
Article title | article_title | Text | - | Title of article |
Article text 1st50words | article_text_1st50words | Text | - | First 50 words of the article text |
Contributor | contributor | Text | - | Contributor- an entity that made contributions to the article |
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