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National Library Singapore Digitised Maps 2024

Data from Feb 2024 to Feb 2025Updated 9 months ago

NLB (National Library Board)

This dataset is a list of maps digitised from the collections of the National Library, Singapore.

These materials present a valuable resource on Singapore’s history, art and culture, digitised as part of an endeavour to preserve and provide better access to resources located within the library to enable users to explore and discover these resources.

For enquiries, please email ref@nlb.gov.sg

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NationalLibrarySingaporeDigitisedMaps2024.csv (467 rows, 653.5 KB)

Identifier uri
Identifier uuid
Creator people
Creator people cn
Creator orgs
Creator orgs cn
Creator lcna
Contributor people
Contributor people cn
Contributor orgs
Contributor orgs cn
Contributor lcna
Digital publisher
Original publisher
Is referenced by
Date created
Table Of Contents
Subject lcsh
Subject singheritage
Ispartof Collection
Nlb type
Access rights
芹澤馨吾|Serizawa, Keigo1.3%
Bonne, M.0.6%
Tirion, Isaak0.6%
Owner:Lim Shao Bin|Donor:Lim Shao Bin19.9%
Dalrymple, Alexander, 1737-18082.6%
Engraver:Schley, Jacobus van der, 1715-1779|Engraver:Schley, Jacobus van der, 1715-17791.9%
Engraver:Lucini, Antonio Francesco, 1605-|Engraver:Lucini, Antonio Francesco, 1605-0.9%
Engraver:Schley, Jacobus van der, 1715-17791.9%
Engraver:Lucini, Antonio Francesco, 1605-0.9%
Engraver:Merian, Matthaeus, 1593-16500.6%
Engraver:Luillier, J.0.4%
National Library Board of Singapore53.5%
National Library Board Singapore43.5%
National Library Board Singapore|Kinrei Sha0.2%
National Library Board Singapore|Tōseisha0.2%
テガール港 -- 驛及理事部.|Harbour of Tegal, 1911 -- Yards, head office and residential site of the S.C.S. at Tegal.0.2%
大東亞人口密度圖 -- 華僑・印度人分布 -- 原住民分布 -- ビルマ -- マライ -- スマトラ -- シベリア -- ジャワ -- フィリッピン0.2%
Insets: Collyer Quay -- Holne Chase Grange Road, Tanglin district [bungalow] -- Singapore Slipway & Engineering Co. Limited -- Prye River Dock [Penang] -- Pulo Brani.0.2%
世界政治地圖 -- 大東亞戦争要圖 (昭和十七年九月末現在) -- モルワイデ図法による世界地勢圖.|Sekai seiji chizu -- Daitōa sensō yōzu (Shōwa 17 nen 9 gatsumatsu genzai) -- Moruwaide zuhō ni yoru sekai chiseizu.0.2%
Geographical areas and countries {18486575}82.9%
Geographical areas and countries {18486575}|Malay archipelago {18486577}6.6%
Malay archipelago {18486577}|Geographical areas and countries {18486575}2.6%
Malay archipelago {18486577}0.9%
NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Heritage Collection {10125}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Heritage Collection>>David Parry Southeast Asian Map Collection {18543939}53.3%
NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Heritage Collection {10125}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Rare Materials Collection {10122}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Donors' Collection>>Lim Shao Bin Collection {18578763}23.6%
NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Heritage Collection|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Map Collection|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Rare Materials Collection17.1%
NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>British Library: Southeast Asia {10102}3.2%
Map {18335728}99.4%
Map {18335728}|Photograph {18335736}0.6%
Digitised images, All rights reserved, National Library Board Singapore, 201452.0%
The copyrights to the Lim Shao Bin Collection belong to various parties, as declared in the documents; images; letters; etc. kindly shared by Lim Shao Bin. Use and reproduction require written permission.24.2%
All Rights Reserved. National Library Board Singapore 2009.16.9%
Joint copyright of The British Library Board and the National Library Board of Singapore.3.2%
The information on this page and any images that appear here may be used for private research and study purposes only. They may not be copied, altered or amended in any way without first gaining the permission of the copyright holder.96.8%
BL and NLB may use indefinitely the edited images on their official websites and other media for non-commercial purposes subject to the BL and NLB, providing first gaining permission from the other before such use.3.2%
https://www.nlb.gov.sg/main/book-detail?cmsuuid=001fe644-73cd-435c-a0d3-0bd67b8a3a07001fe644-73cd-435c-a0d3-0bd67b8a3a07I. TimorIsle TimorNANANANANANANANANANANANANational Library Board of SingaporeNA2001818681780In upper margin of map: Tome 5. Planche 6. Pag. 28. Scale not determined.This uncolored map of the island of Timor with profiles of the coast was published in Antoine Francois Prevost d'Exile's Histoire generale des voyages.NAIslands--Indonesia--Maps--Early works to 1800|Timor Island--Maps--Early works to 1800Geographical areas and countries {18486575}freNLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Heritage Collection {10125}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Heritage Collection>>David Parry Southeast Asian Map Collection {18543939}Map {18335728}Digitised images, All rights reserved, National Library Board Singapore, 2014The information on this page and any images that appear here may be used for private research and study purposes only. They may not be copied, altered or amended in any way without first gaining the permission of the copyright holder.
https://www.nlb.gov.sg/main/book-detail?cmsuuid=01974f69-2e8c-4e7f-aee5-50263900ace201974f69-2e8c-4e7f-aee5-50263900ace2Les isles de la Sonde Moluques Philippines, Carolines, et MariannesNANANANANANANAEngraver:Dussy, E.|Engraver:Dussy, E.NANANANAEngraver:Dussy, E.National Library Board of SingaporeRobert de Vaugondy2001669361778Engraved by E. Dussy.Relief is shown by hactures.Map of East Indies. The map was first published in Robert de Vaugondy's Nouvel atlas portatif in 1762. The present map is from the 1778 edition with the 1762 imprint removed.NAEast Indies--Maps--Early works to 1800|Southeast Asia--Maps--Early works to 1800Geographical areas and countries {18486575}freNLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Heritage Collection {10125}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Heritage Collection>>David Parry Southeast Asian Map Collection {18543939}Map {18335728}Digitised images, All rights reserved, National Library Board Singapore, 2014The information on this page and any images that appear here may be used for private research and study purposes only. They may not be copied, altered or amended in any way without first gaining the permission of the copyright holder.
https://www.nlb.gov.sg/main/book-detail?cmsuuid=01e130e4-ea71-434b-b948-b5017583e5fe01e130e4-ea71-434b-b948-b5017583e5feChart from the Strait of Banka to Po.Panjang from a Dutch MsNANANANANANANADalrymple, Alexander, 1737-1808NANANANANANational Library Board SingaporeNANA1805-04-12NAShows many small unnamed islands in the Riau Archipelago. From a group of important charts, printed on 15 separate sheets, which were produced between September 1804 and May 1805 by the East India Company Hydrographer Alexander Dalrymple, as an accompaniment to his Memoir of a chart of the passages at the southern extremity of Asia (London, 1805).NANautical charts--Banka Strait (Sumatra, Indonesia)|Nautical charts--Sumatra (Indonesia)|Dalrymple, Alexander, 1737-1808Geographical areas and countries {18486575}|Malay archipelago {18486577}engNLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>British Library: Southeast Asia {10102}Map {18335728}Joint copyright of The British Library Board and the National Library Board of Singapore.BL and NLB may use indefinitely the edited images on their official websites and other media for non-commercial purposes subject to the BL and NLB, providing first gaining permission from the other before such use.
https://www.nlb.gov.sg/main/book-detail?cmsuuid=03435b7c-d80a-4e85-8a97-3a6b6044c81203435b7c-d80a-4e85-8a97-3a6b6044c812標準大東亞分圖. マライHyōjun daitōa bunzu. Marai芹澤馨吾|Serizawa, KeigoNANANANANAOwner:Lim Shao Bin|Donor:Lim Shao BinNANANANANANational Library Board Singapore|Tōseisha統正社2027291161943Comes with an inset map of 昭南市 (Singapore City), which has a scale of 1:50000.|Relief shown pictorially and by gradient tints and spot heights.This is a Japanese map of the Malay Peninsula and inset of the city of Singapore. It shows details on the peninsula such as land, air and sea routes around it, borders between states and countries and the location of important cities and geographical details such as mountains etc. The location of food and assorted natural resources such as pineapple, rice, rubber etc are clearly indicated by the corresponding kanji or katakana. The smaller inset map of Singapore city indicates clearly key buildings & places of interest such as the Central Hospital, the policentral post office, police station, Raffles Museum, and the location of Japanese entities such as the offices of the Japan Shipping Company, Osaka Shipping Company and Mitsui Trading Firm, the Japanese Consulate etc.NAMalaysia--Maps|Singapore--MapsGeographical areas and countries {18486575}jpnNLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Heritage Collection {10125}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Rare Materials Collection {10122}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Donors' Collection>>Lim Shao Bin Collection {18578763}Map {18335728}The copyrights to the Lim Shao Bin Collection belong to various parties, as declared in the documents; images; letters; etc. kindly shared by Lim Shao Bin. Use and reproduction require written permission.The information on this page and any images that appear here may be used for private research and study purposes only. They may not be copied, altered or amended in any way without first gaining the permission of the copyright holder.
https://www.nlb.gov.sg/main/book-detail?cmsuuid=0345bf31-fb55-4432-a10d-7d6850a01b730345bf31-fb55-4432-a10d-7d6850a01b73Carte des isles Philippines Celebes et MoluquesNANANANANANANANANANANANANANational Library Board of SingaporeNA2001786301746 / 1770Lower right border: Tom. II No. 5. Prime meridian: Isle de Fer. Scale approximately 1:13,058,824 (E 130°--E 150°/N 19°--S 10°).This map shows the islands of the Philippines, Sulawesi, the Moluccas, Timor, Flores, Bali, and parts of Borneo and Java. There is no interior detail. It features a decorative title and Nota cartouches. The map is from Prévost 's Historie generale des voyages. -- Dealer's descriptionNAPhilippines--Maps--Early works to 1800|Maluku (Indonesia)--Maps--Early works to 1800Geographical areas and countries {18486575}freNLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Heritage Collection {10125}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Heritage Collection>>David Parry Southeast Asian Map Collection {18543939}Map {18335728}Digitised images, All rights reserved, National Library Board Singapore, 2014The information on this page and any images that appear here may be used for private research and study purposes only. They may not be copied, altered or amended in any way without first gaining the permission of the copyright holder.
https://www.nlb.gov.sg/main/book-detail?cmsuuid=043b7a7e-767a-4877-bd08-cbe1ad97f336043b7a7e-767a-4877-bd08-cbe1ad97f336[Malay Peninsula] ; Chart of the vicinity of the Horsburgh Lighthouse and adjacent Malayan coast ; Malay Peninsular, eastern coast, Singapore to TimoanNAThomson, John TurnbullNANANANANANANANANANANANational Library Board SingaporeBritish Museum124667881849NAThis map contains three sections. The first section shows part of the eastern coast of Malaysia, part of Singapore, Timoan (Tioman Island) and China Sea (South China Sea). It is a nautical chart showing the sea level of China Sea and the surrounding waters. The second section contains a nautical chart of the vicinity of the Horsburgh Lighthouse and adjacent Malayan Coast, drawn in 1851, and the third section shows a map of the Malay Peninsula, Cambodia, Gulf of Siam, Strait of Malacca, Sumatra and Singapore.NANautical charts--South China Sea|Nautical charts--Singapore Strait|South China Sea--Navigation|Singapore Strait--NavigationMalay archipelago {18486577}|Geographical areas and countries {18486575}engNLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Heritage Collection|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Map Collection|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Rare Materials CollectionMap {18335728}All Rights Reserved. National Library Board Singapore 2009.The information on this page and any images that appear here may be used for private research and study purposes only. They may not be copied, altered or amended in any way without first gaining the permission of the copyright holder.
https://www.nlb.gov.sg/main/book-detail?cmsuuid=0473171b-a538-4d23-a976-1460a984b0580473171b-a538-4d23-a976-1460a984b058Carte des Indes Orientales dessinée suivant les Observations les plus recentes, dont le principal est tirée des Cartes hydrographiques de Mr. d'Après de Mannevillette. Dediée tres humblement a son altesse, Monsgr. le Prince Gvillavme Charles Henry Friso ... par ses tres humbles tres soumis serviteurs l'auteur & les Heritiers de HomanNANANANANANANANANANANANANANational Library Board of SingaporeHeritiers de Homan2001792851748Relief shown by hactures. Scale not determined.A detailed map of Asia and Southeast Asia. Includes a decorated cartouche and rhumblines.NAAsia--Maps--Early works to 1800Geographical areas and countries {18486575}freNLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Heritage Collection {10125}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Heritage Collection>>David Parry Southeast Asian Map Collection {18543939}Map {18335728}Digitised images, All rights reserved, National Library Board Singapore, 2014The information on this page and any images that appear here may be used for private research and study purposes only. They may not be copied, altered or amended in any way without first gaining the permission of the copyright holder.
https://www.nlb.gov.sg/main/book-detail?cmsuuid=04acaeff-c4d6-4936-93d6-bd1d5669d69c04acaeff-c4d6-4936-93d6-bd1d5669d69cIsole MolvccheIsole MoluccheNANANANANANANANANANANANANational Library Board of SingaporeNA2001718191605Map from: Page 189 of Thomaso Porcaccchi's L'isole piu famose del mondo. Title at head of map: Descrittione dell' Isole Molvcche. On verso: [page] 19 Dell' Isole Molucche. Relief shown pictorially. Scale not given.Map of the Moluccas Islands, set in a page of Italian letterpress text. -- Dealer's description.NAMaluku (Indonesia)--Maps--Early works to 1800|Indonesia--Maps--Early works to 1800Geographical areas and countries {18486575}itaNLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Heritage Collection {10125}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Heritage Collection>>David Parry Southeast Asian Map Collection {18543939}Map {18335728}Digitised images, All rights reserved, National Library Board Singapore, 2014The information on this page and any images that appear here may be used for private research and study purposes only. They may not be copied, altered or amended in any way without first gaining the permission of the copyright holder.
https://www.nlb.gov.sg/main/book-detail?cmsuuid=04dc24a9-3f91-4646-8753-e377b99ec91a04dc24a9-3f91-4646-8753-e377b99ec91aPartie de L'inde au delà du Gange ; Presqv-Isle de L'inde au delà du Gange[Indochina ; Southeast Asia]Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667NANANANANAdu Roy, Geogr.NANANANANANational Library Board SingaporeNA124861451652NAThis is a 17th century map containing two sections. One section shows Indochina, while the other shows the Malay Peninsula and parts of Sumatra.NAIndochina--Maps--Early works to 1800|Southeast Asia--Maps--Early works to 1800|Early maps--Indochina|Early maps--Southeast AsiaGeographical areas and countries {18486575}freNLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Heritage Collection|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Map Collection|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Rare Materials CollectionMap {18335728}All Rights Reserved. National Library Board Singapore 2009.The information on this page and any images that appear here may be used for private research and study purposes only. They may not be copied, altered or amended in any way without first gaining the permission of the copyright holder.
https://www.nlb.gov.sg/main/book-detail?cmsuuid=0519c3f1-5e44-4c08-bb2d-0acd03c805a70519c3f1-5e44-4c08-bb2d-0acd03c805a7Asia secundum legitimas projectionis stereographicae regulas et juxta recentissimas observation : et relationes explosis aliorum fabulosis designationibus et narrationibus, abhibitis quoque veterum monumentis et recentiorum itinerariis descripta, et in partes suas methodicas IX divisaCarte de l'Asie, projettée stereographiquement, tirée des relations et observations : contenues dans les voyages modernes, de meme que dans les monumens des anciens, corrigée de tout ce qui sent la fable, et divisée en ses IX. parties methodiquesNANANANANANANANANANANANANational Library Board of SingaporeImpensis Homannianorum Hered2001800811744From Homann heirs' Atlas compendarius, 1752-1765. Relief shown pictorially. Prime meridian: Paris. Sea of Korea referred to as "Mare orientale Minus." Scale approximately 1:26,000,000 ; Stereographic proj. (W 10°--W 180°/N 85°--S 10°).A detailed 1744 Homann Heirs map of the Asia, including the East Indies. Extends from Europe and Africa eastward through Arabia and India to include the East Indies, Siberia, the Philippines, and a partial New Guinea (Nova Guniea). Includes a title cartouche depicting three figures in native dress and a decorated scale of miles. The map was drawn by J.M. Haas & Gottlieb Boehm. -- Dealer's description.NAAsia--Maps--Early works to 1800Geographical areas and countries {18486575}lat|freNLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Heritage Collection {10125}|NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Heritage Collection>>David Parry Southeast Asian Map Collection {18543939}Map {18335728}Digitised images, All rights reserved, National Library Board Singapore, 2014The information on this page and any images that appear here may be used for private research and study purposes only. They may not be copied, altered or amended in any way without first gaining the permission of the copyright holder.

Column legend

Column name
Data type
Unit of measure
Identifier uriidentifier_uriText-Identifier: Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
Identifier uuididentifier_uuidText-Identifier: Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
AlternativealternativeText-Alternative title
CreatorcreatorText-Creator- an entity that created the resource
Creator peoplecreator_peopleText-Creator: Personal name
Creator people cncreator_people_cnText-Creator: Personal name in Chinese
Creator orgscreator_orgsText-Creator: Organisational name
Creator orgs cncreator_orgs_cnText-Creator: Organisational name in Chinese
Creator lcnacreator_lcnaText-Creator: Library of Congress Name Authorities
ContributorcontributorText-Contributor- an entity that made contributions to the resource
Contributor peoplecontributor_peopleText-Contributor: Personal name
Contributor people cncontributor_people_cnText-Contributor: Personal name in Chinese
Contributor orgscontributor_orgsText-Contributor: Organisational name
Contributor orgs cncontributor_orgs_cnText-Contributor: Organisational name in Chinese
Contributor lcnacontributor_lcnaText-Contributor: Library of Congress Name Authorities
Digital publisherdigital_publisherText-Digital publisher
Original publisheroriginal_publisherText-Original publisher
Is referenced byis_referenced_byText-The Book Record Number (BRN) of the resource(s) in NLB’s LMS (Library Management System) of a related resource that references, cites or points to the described resource
Date createddate_createdText-Date of creation
DescriptiondescriptionText-Description of the resource
AbstractabstractText-Summary of the contents
Table Of Contentstable_of_contentsText-Table of contents
Subject lcshsubject_lcshText-Topic of the resource (Library of Congress Subject Headings)
Subject singheritagesubject_singheritageText-Topic of the resource (NLB Singapore Heritage Taxonomy)
LanguagelanguageText-Language of the resource
Ispartof Collectionispartof_collectionText-Collection name
Nlb typenlb_typeText-Nature or genre of the resource
RightsrightsText-Rights of the resource
Access rightsaccess_rightsText-Access rights of the resource
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import requests
dataset_id = "d_5d624e3d2f8c0ba248ad14fac6181642"
url = "https://data.gov.sg/api/action/datastore_search?resource_id="  + dataset_id 
response = requests.get(url)


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National Library Board. (2022). National Library Singapore Digitised Maps 2024 (2024) [Dataset]. data.gov.sg. Retrieved February 18, 2025 from https://data.gov.sg/datasets/d_5d624e3d2f8c0ba248ad14fac6181642/view

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Created on

30 Aug 2022


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NLB (National Library Board)