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Data from Feb 2019 to May 2023Updated 7 months ago
NLB (National Library Board)Contains name authorities and their relationships (e.g. variant forms of the name).
(Null) | (Null) | (Null) _Geographics _People _Organisations _GeoBuildings | (Null) UF BT NT RT | (Null) | (Null) | (Null) _Geographics _People _Organisations _GeoBuildings |
18583487 | 4 Goodwood Hill | _GeoBuildings | na | na | na | na |
18657789 | 7 Adam Park | _GeoBuildings | UF | 18705739 | Adam Park Guild House | _GeoBuildings |
18722056 | 7 Steps Creative Studio | _Organisations | na | na | na | na |
19904789 | 7 Steps Productions | _Organisations | na | na | na | na |
18711732 | 01 Studio | _Organisations | na | na | na | na |
18723628 | 11 Keppel Hill | _GeoBuildings | UF | 18723629 | Keppel House | _GeoBuildings |
18723628 | 11 Keppel Hill | _GeoBuildings | BT | 18348733 | Southern Ridges Conservation Area | _Geographics |
18589637 | 13 Little Pictures | _Organisations | na | na | na | na |
18577410 | 33 Auction | _Organisations | na | na | na | na |
18583485 | 36 - 38 Armenian Street (Place) | _GeoBuildings | UF | 18583486 | Former Mayfair Hotel | _GeoBuildings |
No results found
Key UID | key_uid | Text | - | Unique identifier of the key entity. |
Key Descriptor | key_descriptor | Text | - | Standardised preferred name of the key entity for indexing purposes. It may be established differently from its original form. |
Key Vocabulary | key_vocabulary | Text | - | Category of the key entity. GeoBuildings: Buildings and structures in Singapore that are historically or culturally significant. Geographics: Names of streets and places in Singapore that includes locations and significant landmarks such as historic sites as well as streets, roads, islands, rivers, canals, hills and parks. Organisations: Names of Singapore-related organisations. People: Names of mainly Singapore-related people. |
Relationship Type | relationship_type | Text | - | Type of relationship between the entities. UF: Used For - variant name(s) of the entity. BT: Broader Term - A term or name which is broader in definition and scope. NT: Narrower Term - A term or name which is narrower in definition and scope. Predecessor: The name that the organisation or place was previously known as. Successor: The name that the organisation or place was subsequently known as. RT: Related Term - A name that is associated or connected with an entity, such as sibling organisations, or organisations resulting from a merger or split. |
Related UID | related_uid | Text | - | Unique identifier of the related entity. |
Related Descriptor | related_descriptor | Text | - | Standardised preferred name of the related entity for indexing purposes. It may be established differently from its original form. |
Related Vocabulary | related_vocabulary | Text | - | Category of the related entity. GeoBuildings: Buildings and structures in Singapore that are historically or culturally significant. Geographics: Names of streets and places in Singapore that includes locations and significant landmarks such as historic sites as well as streets, roads, islands, rivers, canals, hills and parks. Organisations: Names of Singapore-related organisations. People: Names of mainly Singapore-related people. |
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import requests
dataset_id = "d_68955b7991bedbe6d888ad5182974e4f"
url = "" + dataset_id
response = requests.get(url)
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15 Feb 2019
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