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Newspapers-The Malacca Weekly Chronicle and Mercantile Advertiser-1888 to 1889

Data from Feb 2024 to Feb 2025Updated 9 months ago

NLB (National Library Board)

This dataset is a list of digitised out-of-copyright newspaper articles from the National Library, Singapore.

These materials present a valuable resource on Singapore’s history, art and culture, digitised as part of an endeavour to preserve and provide better access to resources located within the library to enable users to explore and discover these resources.

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NewspapersTheMalaccaWeeklyChronicleandMercantileAdvertiser1888to1889.csv (1.7K rows, 782.3 KB)

Newspaper title
Issue id
Issue date
Page id
Page number
Article id
Article title
Article text 1st50words
The Malacca Weekly Chronicle and Mercantile Advertiser100.0%
25 May 18891.4%
28 April 18881.4%
3 August 18891.4%
10 November 18881.3%
The Malacca Weekly Chronicle and Mercantile Advertisermalaccawkchronicle18880107-17 January 18881malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.1.11malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.2.1MastheadTHE Malacca Weekly Chronicle AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. MALA.CCA, SATITHDAY.* JANUARY 7. 1888. NO. 1 VOL. I.NA
The Malacca Weekly Chronicle and Mercantile Advertisermalaccawkchronicle18880107-17 January 18881malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.1.11malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.2.2SATURDAY, JANUARY, 7TH 1888.SATURDAY, JANUARY, 7TH 1888. The need of a public journal in our Settlement, has been of late much felt. The time perhaps has not yet come when the exigences of public affairs afford an uninterrupted supply of matter lor the Press. But there have been occasions when the existence ofNA
The Malacca Weekly Chronicle and Mercantile Advertisermalaccawkchronicle18880107-17 January 18881malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.1.11malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.2.3HISTORY OF JOURNALISM IN MALACCA.HISTORY OF JOURNALISM IN MALACCA. To those who have confidently i v'A.o a Eoeedy termination of our C'ii.j.vitiirc iw ui.'ji he somewhat. iQ-jis* Mirin}' to b<‘ informed of career f previous periodicals in oip" sett lejij.j.L I a. i i; i g ;i,s tin v did for y os INA
The Malacca Weekly Chronicle and Mercantile Advertisermalaccawkchronicle18880107-17 January 18881malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.1.11malaccawkchronicle18880107- 1 Advertisements Column 1THF, WATEUBURY. SERVICES TO-MOKRuW. fcEYLF.SS, Christ Church. KF.YLESB, 7 30 a, m. Matins Litany, and Sermon. KEYLESS, Hyimp 78 and 184. EELTABLF, 6.30 r. M. Evensong and Pennon .RELIABLE, Hymns 76, 79 and-210. RELIABLE, Church op St. Francis Xavier. ACCUR ATE, Solemnity of Epiphany. Double of the Ist Class. ACCINA
The Malacca Weekly Chronicle and Mercantile Advertisermalaccawkchronicle18880107-17 January 18881malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.1.11malaccawkchronicle18880107- 1 Advertisements Column 2Mother Seigel’s OPERATING PILLS, Fop Constipation. Sluggish Liver, &o. f XT NUKE many Linds of cathartic vJ medicines, do not tnakt you feci worse before you leel bi tter. Thru* operation is gem ic, but thorough, aud unattended with disagreeable effects, such as nausea, griping paius, Ac. SfICEYS OPERATING PILESNA
The Malacca Weekly Chronicle and Mercantile Advertisermalaccawkchronicle18880107-17 January 18881malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.1.11malaccawkchronicle18880107- 1 Miscellaneous Column 1RESULTS OF THE METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS TAKEN AT TIIE GENERAL HOSPITAL OBSERVATORY FROM Ist TO'othJanu.vy, ISS3. j Temperature. Hygrometry. Month St 1 _2 H 7 S C I I nr ,s if* s 5 c erV CN Remarks. and K c E z 2i• I 5 f 5!% 2 a cNA
The Malacca Weekly Chronicle and Mercantile Advertisermalaccawkchronicle18880107-17 January 18881malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.1.22malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.2.6OUR FRUIT CROPS IN 1887.OUR FRUIT CROPS IN 1887. The usual yield of (Jurhnv-', 'nunujis, «fee in June was ;i verj small one in consequence of the previous dry weallirr, 1 >: 1 1 tin* subsequent wet months j) rod need tin* unprecedented occurranee ol :i second crop in the latter end of theNA
The Malacca Weekly Chronicle and Mercantile Advertisermalaccawkchronicle18880107-17 January 18881malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.1.22malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.2.7SUNGEI UJONG ROAD.SU NGE I UJON G ROAD. A Chin»'* merchant of AFula i.-en. on liis return from a recent vi <i: to ,Sungei Ujong, gave a most ',untie'tering description ol^the-condition of the ron<l from Linggi to Pen: moan. According; to him it compares v :*y unJiivorahlj, with 11: loads of PoTNA
The Malacca Weekly Chronicle and Mercantile Advertisermalaccawkchronicle18880107-17 January 18881malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.1.22malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.2.8LOCAL.LOCAL. The Pope's Jubilee was observed at St. Peter’s Church at Bungu Raya on Sunday last, the Ist inst. Alter the early morning service t here were High Mass, Te Drum A Benediction; and at night illuminations. 'l' lie Japanese lanterns at tiie .Parochial House, too, were particularly striking forNA
The Malacca Weekly Chronicle and Mercantile Advertisermalaccawkchronicle18880107-17 January 18881malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.1.33malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.2.9CRICKET.CRICKET. Malacca r. Selangor. Tli*- following account of a cricket match between the Maiac-en Stdan- j gor clubs was forwarded us by one of our team: i This ma:ch, the first ever played by our < Ticket < lub, away trom Malacca, came off on Mon. ay ami i TuesdayNA

Column legend

Column name
Data type
Unit of measure
Newspaper titlenewspaper_titleText-Title of newspaper
Issue idissue_idText-Issue ID
Issue dateissue_dateText-Issue date
Page idpage_idText-Page ID
Page numberpage_numberText-Page number
Article idarticle_idText-Article ID
Article titlearticle_titleText-Title of article
Article text 1st50wordsarticle_text_1st50wordsText-First 50 words of the article text
ContributorcontributorText-Contributor- an entity that made contributions to the article
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dataset_id = "d_6ef475f33c2d51eda249b8266a4acca3"
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response = requests.get(url)


This dataset can be reused and cited in research publications.

National Library Board. (2022). Newspapers-The Malacca Weekly Chronicle and Mercantile Advertiser-1888 to 1889 (2024) [Dataset]. data.gov.sg. Retrieved February 18, 2025 from https://data.gov.sg/datasets/d_6ef475f33c2d51eda249b8266a4acca3/view

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Created on

26 Sep 2022


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NLB (National Library Board)