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Notices under other Acts 2016

Data from Jan 2016 to Dec 2016Updated 9 months ago

MDDI (Ministry of Digital Development and Information)

Notices under other Acts 2016

Data explorer

NoticesunderotherActs2016.csv (2.7K rows, 505.3 KB)

Notification No.
Published Date
3962<a href="https://storage.egazette.gov.sg/getFiles?ct=gg-Acts&yr=2016&filename=16gg4002.pdf">Insurance Act - Name changed</a>2016-12-30
3961<a href="https://storage.egazette.gov.sg/getFiles?ct=gg-Acts&yr=2016&filename=16gg4001.pdf">Insurance Act - Licensed</a>2016-12-30
3960<a href="https://storage.egazette.gov.sg/getFiles?ct=gg-Acts&yr=2016&filename=16gg4000.pdf">Insurance Act - Authorisation of MS Frontier Reinsurance Limited withdrawn</a>2016-12-30
3959<a href="https://storage.egazette.gov.sg/getFiles?ct=gg-Acts&yr=2016&filename=16gg3999.pdf">State Courts Act - Officers mentioned appoint as Deputy Registrars</a>2016-12-30
3958<a href="https://storage.egazette.gov.sg/getFiles?ct=gg-Acts&yr=2016&filename=16gg3998.pdf">State Courts Act - Officers mentioned appoint as Magistrates</a>2016-12-30
3957<a href="https://storage.egazette.gov.sg/getFiles?ct=gg-Acts&yr=2016&filename=16gg3997.pdf">State Courts Act - Officers mentioned appoint as District Judges</a>2016-12-30
3956<a href="https://storage.egazette.gov.sg/getFiles?ct=gg-Acts&yr=2016&filename=16gg3996.pdf">Small Claims Tribunals Act - Officers mentioned appoint as Referees</a>2016-12-30
3955<a href="https://storage.egazette.gov.sg/getFiles?ct=gg-Acts&yr=2016&filename=16gg3995.pdf">Coroners Act - Officers mentioned appoint as Coroners</a>2016-12-30
3954<a href="https://storage.egazette.gov.sg/getFiles?ct=gg-Acts&yr=2016&filename=16gg3994.pdf">Immigration Act - Officers mentioned appointed immigration officers</a>2016-12-30
3953<a href="https://storage.egazette.gov.sg/getFiles?ct=gg-Acts&yr=2016&filename=16gg3993.pdf">Immigration Act - Officers mentioned ceased to be immigration officers</a>2016-12-30

Column legend

Column name
Data type
Unit of measure
Notification No.Notification_NoText--
Published DatePublished_DateDate (YYYY-MM-DD)--
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import requests
dataset_id = "d_713d857065f7268061eec411f4914e28"
url = "https://data.gov.sg/api/action/datastore_search?resource_id="  + dataset_id 
response = requests.get(url)


This dataset can be reused and cited in research publications.

Ministry of Digital Development and Information. (2023). Notices under other Acts 2016 (2024) [Dataset]. data.gov.sg. Retrieved February 17, 2025 from https://data.gov.sg/datasets/d_713d857065f7268061eec411f4914e28/view

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Created on

01 Oct 2023


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MDDI (Ministry of Digital Development and Information)