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Newspapers-The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle-1894 to 1896

Data from Feb 2024 to Feb 2025Updated 9 months ago

NLB (National Library Board)

This dataset is a list of digitised out-of-copyright newspaper articles from the National Library, Singapore.

These materials present a valuable resource on Singapore’s history, art and culture, digitised as part of an endeavour to preserve and provide better access to resources located within the library to enable users to explore and discover these resources.

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NewspapersTheStraitsIndependentandPenangChronicle1894to1896.csv (1.9K rows, 926.6 KB)

Newspaper title
Issue id
Issue date
Page id
Page number
Article id
Article title
Article text 1st50words
The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle100.0%
14 April 18941.8%
14 February 18941.8%
23 May 18941.8%
3 January 18941.8%
The Straits Independent and Penang Chroniclestraitsindependent18940103-13 January 18941straitsindependent18940103-1.1.11straitsindependent18940103-1.2.1MastheadThe Straits Independent AND PENANG CHRONICLE. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS. i/moil!20 Cents. Price 2‘> Cents. VOL. YI. PENANG, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1894. No. 454NA
The Straits Independent and Penang Chroniclestraitsindependent18940103-13 January 18941straitsindependent18940103-1.1.11straitsindependent18940103- 1 Advertisements Column 1H, 8 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIShTION COMPANY, LIMITED. ',p‘\!lVnm''rf E iaoo KOMINKLIJKE PAKETVAAPT ’UkATSCHAPPU. compant^mued. Capital £3,000,000. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS* established iss3. Accumulated Invested Fund5...£2,833.118. r»»O/.„ 7 Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. 1 Hl<j undersigned, being the appointed Capital fully Subscribed agents of this Company, are authorizedNA
The Straits Independent and Penang Chroniclestraitsindependent18940103-13 January 18941straitsindependent18940103-1.1.22straitsindependent18940103-1.2.3THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND THE COLONIAL SECRETARY’S LETTER.THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND THE COLONIAL SECRETARY’S LETTER. After careful consideration —Air. Wright will pardon us for giving him credit for such a course of the Colonial Secretary’s letter nnent the recent “election,” (lit? Chairman of the Penang Chamber of Commerce has now called a special general meeting ofNA
The Straits Independent and Penang Chroniclestraitsindependent18940103-13 January 18941straitsindependent18940103-1.1.22straitsindependent18940103-1.2.4THE OLD YEAR AND THE NEW.THE OLD YEAR AND THE NEW. Theue is very little fco he said in favour of the year that has just come to a close, as far is this Colony i 3 concerned, and still less to be expected from that upon which we have now entered. 1893 is aNA
The Straits Independent and Penang Chroniclestraitsindependent18940103-13 January 18941straitsindependent18940103-1.1.22straitsindependent18940103-1.2.5THE NEW RULE CONCERNING LICENSED HOUSES.THE NEW RULE CONCERNING LICENSED HOUSES. Tim proprietors of all iho minor public houses in Singapore have, we are informed, presented a peti t.ion to 11. F. the Acting Governor, praying that llule No 9, made on the 9i h November last, for the management of Houses licensed under sectionNA
The Straits Independent and Penang Chroniclestraitsindependent18940103-13 January 18941straitsindependent18940103-1.1.22straitsindependent18940103-1.2.6MR. W. H. READ ON THE C. D. O.MR. W. H. READ ON THE C. D. O. The following letter to the Fffi'or nppeurs in the Straits Times of the 291! i uU.o. London 2 8th November. Stir —Somewhere about. a year auro, when writing about the health of the Troops in the Straits Settlements, you qualified someNA
The Straits Independent and Penang Chroniclestraitsindependent18940103-13 January 18941straitsindependent18940103-1.1.22straitsindependent18940103- 2 Advertisements Column 1THE STRAITS INDEPENDENT. PCliUSilKii EVHI WKOMSSSt.Vi AMI MTII! MV ETEXIMi. K>* TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Per Annum t 2.00 m Half-year “o*> Quarter Single copy twenty cents. IF I*A 11) IN AItKEA K 5 for three months, after which term the paper will only be supplied on paymentNA
The Straits Independent and Penang Chroniclestraitsindependent18940103-13 January 18941straitsindependent18940103-1.1.33straitsindependent18940103-1.2.8A NEW DEPARTURE.A NEW DEPARTURE. E. r C. Egress» Many years ago two Straits Settlements residents were discussing the probability of the railway invading the Malay Peninsula. “A railway in Malacca said the one in reply to the somewhat sanguine forecast of ids companion, to whom a line from Singapore to CalcuttaNA
The Straits Independent and Penang Chroniclestraitsindependent18940103-13 January 18941straitsindependent18940103-1.1.33straitsindependent18940103-1.2.9ENGLAND AND THE FRANCO-RUSSIAN ALLIANCE.ENGLAND AND THE FRANCO-RUSSIAN ALLIANCE. An American View. The belief that the power most threatened by the Franco-Russian alliance is England and not the Triple Alliance is rapidly growing. It is in Egypt, the Indian frontier, iu Tamper, or in some other region of international questions that the new influenceNA
The Straits Independent and Penang Chroniclestraitsindependent18940103-13 January 18941straitsindependent18940103-1.1.33straitsindependent18940103-1.2.10JAPAN GOING ON A GOLD BASIS.JAPAN GOING ON A GOLD BASIS. The Hongkong Daily Press in commenting upon the telegram that Lord Herschell’s Committe is considering the t n question of rendering the Japanese Yen a legal tender iu that colony, says it is doubtful whether yens will he available much longer. It is reportedNA

Column legend

Column name
Data type
Unit of measure
Newspaper titlenewspaper_titleText-Title of newspaper
Issue idissue_idText-Issue ID
Issue dateissue_dateText-Issue date
Page idpage_idText-Page ID
Page numberpage_numberText-Page number
Article idarticle_idText-Article ID
Article titlearticle_titleText-Title of article
Article text 1st50wordsarticle_text_1st50wordsText-First 50 words of the article text
ContributorcontributorText-Contributor- an entity that made contributions to the article
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dataset_id = "d_722c16f37860ad31d697d609c7f81be1"
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response = requests.get(url)


This dataset can be reused and cited in research publications.

National Library Board. (2022). Newspapers-The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle-1894 to 1896 (2024) [Dataset]. data.gov.sg. Retrieved February 18, 2025 from https://data.gov.sg/datasets/d_722c16f37860ad31d697d609c7f81be1/view

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26 Sep 2022


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NLB (National Library Board)