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Updated 20 days ago
SINGSTAT (Singapore Department of Statistics)Source: SINGAPORE DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS
Data Last Updated: 18/06/2021
Update Frequency: 10 years
Survey period: Census of Population 2020
Adapted from:
Number Text | [Total] (Total) Total Numeric | [Total] (Total) Males Numeric | [Total] (Total) Females Numeric | [Total] (Single) Total Numeric | [Total] (Single) Males Numeric | [Total] (Single) Females Numeric | [Total] (Married) Total Numeric | [Total] (Married) Males Numeric | [Total] (Married) Females Numeric | [Total] (Widowed) Total Text | [Total] (Widowed) Males Text | [Total] (Widowed) Females Text | [Total] (Divorced/Separated) Total Text | [Total] (Divorced/Separated) Males Text | [Total] (Divorced/Separated) Females Text | [Chinese] (Total) Total Numeric | [Chinese] (Total) Males Numeric | [Chinese] (Total) Females Numeric | [Chinese] (Single) Total Numeric | [Chinese] (Single) Males Numeric | [Chinese] (Single) Females Numeric | [Chinese] (Married) Total Numeric | [Chinese] (Married) Males Text | [Chinese] (Married) Females Numeric | [Chinese] (Widowed) Total Text | [Chinese] (Widowed) Males Text | [Chinese] (Widowed) Females Text | [Chinese] (Divorced/Separated) Total Text | [Chinese] (Divorced/Separated) Males Text | [Chinese] (Divorced/Separated) Females Text | [Malays] (Total) Total Numeric | [Malays] (Total) Males Numeric | [Malays] (Total) Females Numeric | [Malays] (Single) Total Numeric | [Malays] (Single) Males Numeric | [Malays] (Single) Females Numeric | [Malays] (Married) Total Text | [Malays] (Married) Males Text | [Malays] (Married) Females Text | [Malays] (Widowed) Total Text | [Malays] (Widowed) Males Text | [Malays] (Widowed) Females Text | [Malays] (Divorced/Separated) Total Text | [Malays] (Divorced/Separated) Males Text | [Malays] (Divorced/Separated) Females Text | [Indians] (Total) Total Numeric | [Indians] (Total) Males Numeric | [Indians] (Total) Females Numeric | [Indians] (Single) Total Numeric | [Indians] (Single) Males Numeric | [Indians] (Single) Females Numeric | [Indians] (Married) Total Numeric | [Indians] (Married) Males Numeric | [Indians] (Married) Females Text | [Indians] (Widowed) Total Text | [Indians] (Widowed) Males Text | [Indians] (Widowed) Females Text | [Indians] (Divorced/Separated) Total Text | [Indians] (Divorced/Separated) Males Text | [Indians] (Divorced/Separated) Females Text | [Others] (Total) Total Numeric | [Others] (Total) Males Numeric | [Others] (Total) Females Numeric | [Others] (Single) Total Numeric | [Others] (Single) Males Numeric | [Others] (Single) Females Numeric | [Others] (Married) Total Text | [Others] (Married) Males Text | [Others] (Married) Females Text | [Others] (Widowed) Total Text | [Others] (Widowed) Males Text | [Others] (Widowed) Females Text | [Others] (Divorced/Separated) Total Text | [Others] (Divorced/Separated) Males Text | [Others] (Divorced/Separated) Females Text |
(Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)15.4% | (Null)15.4% | (Null)15.4% | (Null)7.7% | (Null)7.7% | (Null)7.7% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)7.7% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)15.4% | (Null)15.4% | (Null)15.4% | (Null)7.7% | (Null)7.7% | (Null)7.7% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)7.7% | (Null)7.7% | (Null)7.7% | (Null)15.4% | (Null)30.8% | (Null)15.4% | (Null)7.7% | (Null)7.7% | (Null)7.7% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)7.7% | (Null)23.1% | (Null)30.8% | (Null)23.1% | (Null)7.7% | (Null)15.4% | (Null)7.7% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)7.7% | (Null)7.7% | (Null)7.7% | (Null)23.1% | (Null)46.2% | (Null)23.1% | (Null)15.4% | (Null)15.4% | (Null)23.1% |
Total | 2208358 | 1178431 | 1029927 | 636167 | 322814 | 313353 | 1423888 | 804248 | 619640 | 42235 | 10491 | 31745 | 106068 | 40879 | 65189 | 1682947 | 876157 | 806791 | 504337 | 248195 | 256142 | 1069034 | 589607 | 479426 | 31428 | 7710 | 23718 | 78149 | 30645 | 47504 | 266642 | 154040 | 112602 | 79117 | 45728 | 33389 | 166385 | 101059 | 65326 | 5553 | 1578 | 3975 | 15587 | 5675 | 9912 | 189780 | 112083 | 77697 | 39585 | 21904 | 17681 | 136624 | 85561 | 51063 | 4508 | 1073 | 3434 | 9064 | 3545 | 5518 | 68989 | 36152 | 32837 | 13128 | 6988 | 6140 | 51846 | 28021 | 23825 | 747 | 129 | 618 | 3268 | 1014 | 2254 |
15 - 19 | 25431 | 17102 | 8329 | 25372 | 17085 | 8288 | 58 | 17 | 41 | - | - | - | - | - | - | 17734 | 11993 | 5740 | 17692 | 11993 | 5699 | 41 | - | 41 | - | - | - | - | - | - | 4282 | 2718 | 1564 | 4282 | 2718 | 1564 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 2427 | 1620 | 807 | 2410 | 1603 | 807 | 17 | 17 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 989 | 771 | 218 | 989 | 771 | 218 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
20 - 24 | 115075 | 61460 | 53615 | 110412 | 59720 | 50692 | 4307 | 1669 | 2638 | - | - | - | 356 | 72 | 284 | 76984 | 40419 | 36564 | 74956 | 39736 | 35220 | 1796 | 662 | 1134 | - | - | - | 232 | 21 | 211 | 25591 | 14274 | 11317 | 23677 | 13369 | 10308 | 1796 | 854 | 941 | - | - | - | 119 | 51 | 68 | 9401 | 4997 | 4404 | 8835 | 4884 | 3952 | 561 | 114 | 447 | - | - | - | 5 | - | 5 | 3099 | 1770 | 1329 | 2944 | 1732 | 1212 | 155 | 38 | 117 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
25 - 29 | 239835 | 115745 | 124090 | 178705 | 91164 | 87541 | 59122 | 23897 | 35225 | 57 | 12 | 44 | 1952 | 672 | 1280 | 177016 | 83803 | 93214 | 138453 | 68623 | 69829 | 37452 | 14799 | 22654 | 25 | 12 | 13 | 1086 | 368 | 718 | 40159 | 21191 | 18968 | 24961 | 14272 | 10689 | 14513 | 6668 | 7845 | 13 | - | 13 | 672 | 250 | 422 | 18255 | 8945 | 9310 | 12403 | 6849 | 5554 | 5655 | 2059 | 3597 | 19 | - | 19 | 178 | 38 | 141 | 4405 | 1806 | 2598 | 2888 | 1419 | 1469 | 1501 | 372 | 1130 | - | - | - | 15 | 15 | - |
30 - 34 | 264464 | 131005 | 133459 | 98347 | 51941 | 46406 | 160402 | 77115 | 83287 | 135 | 61 | 75 | 5580 | 1889 | 3691 | 201601 | 97848 | 103753 | 81737 | 42286 | 39451 | 116295 | 54247 | 62047 | 87 | 61 | 26 | 3482 | 1254 | 2228 | 36439 | 20129 | 16310 | 9444 | 5645 | 3799 | 25666 | 14101 | 11565 | 25 | - | 25 | 1304 | 383 | 921 | 19576 | 10483 | 9093 | 5655 | 3169 | 2486 | 13353 | 7076 | 6277 | - | - | - | 568 | 239 | 329 | 6848 | 2544 | 4304 | 1510 | 841 | 670 | 5088 | 1691 | 3397 | 24 | - | 24 | 226 | 13 | 213 |
35 - 39 | 258988 | 130349 | 128639 | 54586 | 27337 | 27250 | 192693 | 98606 | 94087 | 605 | 103 | 502 | 11103 | 4304 | 6800 | 194870 | 96655 | 98215 | 45955 | 22642 | 23314 | 140967 | 70805 | 70162 | 324 | 61 | 264 | 7624 | 3148 | 4476 | 31170 | 17461 | 13709 | 4956 | 2809 | 2147 | 24094 | 13884 | 10210 | 66 | 10 | 56 | 2055 | 759 | 1296 | 23392 | 12507 | 10885 | 2644 | 1450 | 1194 | 19709 | 10716 | 8992 | 128 | 33 | 95 | 912 | 309 | 603 | 9556 | 3726 | 5830 | 1031 | 436 | 595 | 7924 | 3201 | 4722 | 88 | - | 88 | 513 | 89 | 425 |
40 - 44 | 253633 | 129820 | 123814 | 42330 | 19355 | 22975 | 196069 | 105027 | 91042 | 1133 | 210 | 923 | 14102 | 5228 | 8874 | 192503 | 95356 | 97147 | 36425 | 16111 | 20315 | 144826 | 75282 | 69544 | 776 | 156 | 620 | 10475 | 3807 | 6669 | 22371 | 12275 | 10096 | 3146 | 1827 | 1319 | 17148 | 9702 | 7446 | 209 | 16 | 192 | 1869 | 730 | 1140 | 27202 | 16556 | 10646 | 1757 | 982 | 775 | 23994 | 14965 | 9030 | 120 | 28 | 92 | 1332 | 582 | 750 | 11556 | 5633 | 5924 | 1002 | 435 | 567 | 10101 | 5078 | 5022 | 28 | 9 | 19 | 425 | 110 | 316 |
45 - 49 | 258046 | 138556 | 119490 | 37505 | 17158 | 20347 | 200666 | 114452 | 86214 | 2440 | 407 | 2033 | 17436 | 6540 | 10896 | 195778 | 100911 | 94867 | 32429 | 14362 | 18067 | 148631 | 81474 | 67156 | 1598 | 257 | 1341 | 13120 | 4817 | 8303 | 24147 | 13646 | 10501 | 2640 | 1576 | 1065 | 18891 | 11156 | 7735 | 391 | 56 | 335 | 2225 | 858 | 1367 | 26011 | 17259 | 8751 | 1458 | 774 | 684 | 22807 | 15779 | 7028 | 313 | 74 | 239 | 1434 | 633 | 801 | 12110 | 6740 | 5371 | 978 | 446 | 532 | 10338 | 6042 | 4295 | 138 | 19 | 119 | 657 | 233 | 424 |
50 - 54 | 228496 | 125969 | 102527 | 28943 | 13418 | 15525 | 178810 | 105136 | 73674 | 3448 | 816 | 2632 | 17295 | 6599 | 10696 | 173009 | 92554 | 80455 | 24687 | 10927 | 13760 | 133605 | 76224 | 57381 | 2142 | 508 | 1634 | 12575 | 4895 | 7680 | 25831 | 14591 | 11240 | 2013 | 1338 | 675 | 20338 | 12072 | 8266 | 783 | 216 | 566 | 2698 | 965 | 1733 | 20942 | 13641 | 7301 | 1467 | 806 | 661 | 17552 | 12178 | 5375 | 439 | 92 | 347 | 1484 | 566 | 918 | 8714 | 5183 | 3531 | 777 | 348 | 429 | 7315 | 4662 | 2653 | 85 | - | 85 | 538 | 173 | 364 |
55 - 59 | 216057 | 121669 | 94388 | 25626 | 11271 | 14355 | 167506 | 102521 | 64986 | 6634 | 1451 | 5183 | 16291 | 6427 | 9864 | 165440 | 90013 | 75428 | 21563 | 9129 | 12434 | 127609 | 75036 | 52573 | 4467 | 1035 | 3432 | 11802 | 4813 | 6989 | 26425 | 16444 | 9981 | 2026 | 1103 | 924 | 20436 | 14173 | 6264 | 1265 | 243 | 1022 | 2698 | 926 | 1772 | 18264 | 11211 | 7053 | 1464 | 716 | 748 | 14673 | 9866 | 4807 | 754 | 112 | 641 | 1373 | 517 | 856 | 5928 | 4001 | 1926 | 572 | 324 | 248 | 4789 | 3446 | 1343 | 149 | 61 | 88 | 418 | 170 | 248 |
No results found
Title | Column name | Data type | Unit of measure | Description |
Number | Number | Text | Number | - |
[Total] (Total) Total | Total_Total_Total | Numeric | Number | - |
[Total] (Total) Males | Total_Total_Males | Numeric | Number | - |
[Total] (Total) Females | Total_Total_Females | Numeric | Number | - |
[Total] (Single) Total | Total_Single_Total | Numeric | Number | - |
[Total] (Single) Males | Total_Single_Males | Numeric | Number | - |
[Total] (Single) Females | Total_Single_Females | Numeric | Number | - |
[Total] (Married) Total | Total_Married_Total | Numeric | Number | - |
[Total] (Married) Males | Total_Married_Males | Numeric | Number | - |
[Total] (Married) Females | Total_Married_Females | Numeric | Number | - |
[Total] (Widowed) Total | Total_Widowed_Total | Text | Number | - |
[Total] (Widowed) Males | Total_Widowed_Males | Text | Number | - |
[Total] (Widowed) Females | Total_Widowed_Females | Text | Number | - |
[Total] (Divorced/Separated) Total | Total_Divorced_Separated_Total | Text | Number | - |
[Total] (Divorced/Separated) Males | Total_Divorced_Separated_Males | Text | Number | - |
[Total] (Divorced/Separated) Females | Total_Divorced_Separated_Females | Text | Number | - |
[Chinese] (Total) Total | Chinese_Total_Total | Numeric | Number | - |
[Chinese] (Total) Males | Chinese_Total_Males | Numeric | Number | - |
[Chinese] (Total) Females | Chinese_Total_Females | Numeric | Number | - |
[Chinese] (Single) Total | Chinese_Single_Total | Numeric | Number | - |
[Chinese] (Single) Males | Chinese_Single_Males | Numeric | Number | - |
[Chinese] (Single) Females | Chinese_Single_Females | Numeric | Number | - |
[Chinese] (Married) Total | Chinese_Married_Total | Numeric | Number | - |
[Chinese] (Married) Males | Chinese_Married_Males | Text | Number | - |
[Chinese] (Married) Females | Chinese_Married_Females | Numeric | Number | - |
[Chinese] (Widowed) Total | Chinese_Widowed_Total | Text | Number | - |
[Chinese] (Widowed) Males | Chinese_Widowed_Males | Text | Number | - |
[Chinese] (Widowed) Females | Chinese_Widowed_Females | Text | Number | - |
[Chinese] (Divorced/Separated) Total | Chinese_Divorced_Separated_Total | Text | Number | - |
[Chinese] (Divorced/Separated) Males | Chinese_Divorced_Separated_Males | Text | Number | - |
[Chinese] (Divorced/Separated) Females | Chinese_Divorced_Separated_Females | Text | Number | - |
[Malays] (Total) Total | Malays_Total_Total | Numeric | Number | - |
[Malays] (Total) Males | Malays_Total_Males | Numeric | Number | - |
[Malays] (Total) Females | Malays_Total_Females | Numeric | Number | - |
[Malays] (Single) Total | Malays_Single_Total | Numeric | Number | - |
[Malays] (Single) Males | Malays_Single_Males | Numeric | Number | - |
[Malays] (Single) Females | Malays_Single_Females | Numeric | Number | - |
[Malays] (Married) Total | Malays_Married_Total | Text | Number | - |
[Malays] (Married) Males | Malays_Married_Males | Text | Number | - |
[Malays] (Married) Females | Malays_Married_Females | Text | Number | - |
[Malays] (Widowed) Total | Malays_Widowed_Total | Text | Number | - |
[Malays] (Widowed) Males | Malays_Widowed_Males | Text | Number | - |
[Malays] (Widowed) Females | Malays_Widowed_Females | Text | Number | - |
[Malays] (Divorced/Separated) Total | Malays_Divorced_Separated_Total | Text | Number | - |
[Malays] (Divorced/Separated) Males | Malays_Divorced_Separated_Males | Text | Number | - |
[Malays] (Divorced/Separated) Females | Malays_Divorced_Separated_Females | Text | Number | - |
[Indians] (Total) Total | Indians_Total_Total | Numeric | Number | - |
[Indians] (Total) Males | Indians_Total_Males | Numeric | Number | - |
[Indians] (Total) Females | Indians_Total_Females | Numeric | Number | - |
[Indians] (Single) Total | Indians_Single_Total | Numeric | Number | - |
[Indians] (Single) Males | Indians_Single_Males | Numeric | Number | - |
[Indians] (Single) Females | Indians_Single_Females | Numeric | Number | - |
[Indians] (Married) Total | Indians_Married_Total | Numeric | Number | - |
[Indians] (Married) Males | Indians_Married_Males | Numeric | Number | - |
[Indians] (Married) Females | Indians_Married_Females | Text | Number | - |
[Indians] (Widowed) Total | Indians_Widowed_Total | Text | Number | - |
[Indians] (Widowed) Males | Indians_Widowed_Males | Text | Number | - |
[Indians] (Widowed) Females | Indians_Widowed_Females | Text | Number | - |
[Indians] (Divorced/Separated) Total | Indians_Divorced_Separated_Total | Text | Number | - |
[Indians] (Divorced/Separated) Males | Indians_Divorced_Separated_Males | Text | Number | - |
[Indians] (Divorced/Separated) Females | Indians_Divorced_Separated_Females | Text | Number | - |
[Others] (Total) Total | Others_Total_Total | Numeric | Number | - |
[Others] (Total) Males | Others_Total_Males | Numeric | Number | - |
[Others] (Total) Females | Others_Total_Females | Numeric | Number | - |
[Others] (Single) Total | Others_Single_Total | Numeric | Number | - |
[Others] (Single) Males | Others_Single_Males | Numeric | Number | - |
[Others] (Single) Females | Others_Single_Females | Numeric | Number | - |
[Others] (Married) Total | Others_Married_Total | Text | Number | - |
[Others] (Married) Males | Others_Married_Males | Text | Number | - |
[Others] (Married) Females | Others_Married_Females | Text | Number | - |
[Others] (Widowed) Total | Others_Widowed_Total | Text | Number | - |
[Others] (Widowed) Males | Others_Widowed_Males | Text | Number | - |
[Others] (Widowed) Females | Others_Widowed_Females | Text | Number | - |
[Others] (Divorced/Separated) Total | Others_Divorced_Separated_Total | Text | Number | - |
[Others] (Divorced/Separated) Males | Others_Divorced_Separated_Males | Text | Number | - |
[Others] (Divorced/Separated) Females | Others_Divorced_Separated_Females | Text | Number | - |
This code can be used to test a sample API query. It retrieves the data catalogue of this dataset. For a complete guide on query parameters and syntax, please refer to the API documentation. Try it out on your browser to see the response schema.
import requests
dataset_id = "d_724eeb009bfcff6084e04bd2f8378e92"
url = "" + dataset_id
response = requests.get(url)
This dataset can be reused and cited in research publications.
22 Oct 2024
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