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Data from Feb 2024 to Feb 2025Updated 9 months ago
NLB (National Library Board)This dataset is a list of digitised out-of-copyright newspaper articles from the National Library, Singapore.
These materials present a valuable resource on Singapore’s history, art and culture, digitised as part of an endeavour to preserve and provide better access to resources located within the library to enable users to explore and discover these resources.
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Newspaper title Text | Issue id Text | Issue date Text | Edition Text | Page id Text | Page number Text | Article id Text | Article title Text | Article text 1st50words Text | Contributor Text |
(Null)0.0% The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)100.0% | (Null)0.0% straitsechomail19050602-11.0% straitsechomail19070705-10.9% straitsechomail19060302-10.9% straitsechomail19070503-10.8% | (Null)0.0% 2/6/19051.0% 5/7/19070.9% 2/3/19060.9% 3/5/19070.8% | (Null)0.0% 1100.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% 12.5% 21.4% 51.2% 161.2% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)68.1% (Supplied by Reuter.)13.8% {Supplied by Reuter.)1.2% (Echo Special.)0.8% (Supplied by Reuter )0.5% |
The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) | straitsechomail19040101-1 | 1/1/1904 | 1 | straitsechomail19040101-1.1.1 | 1 | straitsechomail19040101-1.2.1 | Masthead | THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. *l5 Per Annum. Single Copy, 40 cents. Vol. 1. Penang, Friday, Ist January, 1904. No. 28. | NA |
The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) | straitsechomail19040101-1 | 1/1/1904 | 1 | straitsechomail19040101-1.1.5 | 3 | straitsechomail19040101-1.2.10 | Untitled | The Bear now knows that he can pause no more; lie’s got to back down quickly or act. H. F. the Officer Administering the Government Ims appointed the HOll.O. YV. 8., Kynnerslev, c.m.g., to be his Deputy at Singapore during 11. E’s. absence in Penang. _4 We beg to acknowledge, | NA |
The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) | straitsechomail19040101-1 | 1/1/1904 | 1 | straitsechomail19040101-1.1.6 | 4 | straitsechomail19040101-1.2.11 | The Quirinal. | The Quirinal. Great American Politician has Audience of the Pope. Cubleneu'g Special Service.) Rohm*, 15th Dec.—William J.llrvan, twice the Democratic candidate for PreKident of the United State», had an audience with the Pope today. The audience was arranged through the American Minister here. The Pontiff and Bryan conversed for some | (Cubleneu'g Special Service.) |
The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) | straitsechomail19040101-1 | 1/1/1904 | 1 | straitsechomail19040101-1.1.6 | 4 | straitsechomail19040101- | The Indian Turf. | The Indian Turf. The Viceroy’s Cup Favourite Wins by a Neck. The Viceroy’s Cup—A Cup value £l<*S presented by H. E. the iceroy, and Es. 27,000 from the Fund. The Cup and Its. 20,000 to t he winner, Rs 5,000 to the second and Its. 2,000 to the third. For | NA |
The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) | straitsechomail19040101-1 | 1/1/1904 | 1 | straitsechomail19040101-1.1.7 | 5 | straitsechomail19040101- | The “ Supao †Case. | The Supao Case. Saved from Torture. I T (Cablenewa Special Service.) Peking, 9th Dec.—Tlie Supao editors have been found guilty of sedition against the Chinese Government and they have been sentenced to light punishment. The "Supao editors are Chinese who published a paper at Shanghai urging reform in China and, | I T (Cablenewa Special Service.) |
The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) | straitsechomail19040101-1 | 1/1/1904 | 1 | straitsechomail19040101-1.1.8 | 6 | straitsechomail19040101- | Russian Intrigues in Corea. | Russian Intrigues in Corea. Tsar’s Legions to Guard Palace of the Feeble Ruler of Great Corea. (Cablcncics Special Service.) Tokio, loth Dec.—lt is stated here that there has been drawn up between Russia and Corea an agreement by which Russia is 1o guard the palace of the Emperor of Corea | (Cablcncics Special Service.) |
The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) | straitsechomail19040101-1 | 1/1/1904 | 1 | straitsechomail19040101-1.1.8 | 6 | straitsechomail19040101- | Floundering. | Floundering. Peking Statesmen’s Idiotic Scheme. Shanghai Time* Service, y Poking, 11th Doc —The Chinese Government has recognised that the Thrtf* Eastern provinces are now occupied by Russia, and that it is impossible to restore them to China. The Vyai VVu-pu is therefore now negotiating wifli the Russian Minister with a | { Shanghai Time* Service |
The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) | straitsechomail19040101-1 | 1/1/1904 | 1 | straitsechomail19040101-1.1.8 | 6 | straitsechomail19040101- | Dowie. | Dowie. Bogus Prophet Pays Creditors of Zion City. 1 CableneU'H Special Service Chicago, Dec. Bth—John Alexander Dowie, self-styled Elijah 11., overseer of the Christian Catholic Church in Zion City, whose invasion of New York with a host of followers brought about financial d s ister, has made a settlement with | 1 CableneU'H Special Service.) |
The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) | straitsechomail19040101-1 | 1/1/1904 | 1 | straitsechomail19040101-1.1.8 | 6 | straitsechomail19040101- | Naval News. | Naval News. H. M. S. “Libertad.†{Cablcncics Special Service.) London, Bth Dec .—Libertad, the battleship bought by Great Britain alongwith Constitution, has made a record speed today of 20.8 knots an hour over a measured course. This magnificent speed has created a sensation among naval experts. Libertad and Constitution were | {Cablcncics Special Service.) |
The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) | straitsechomail19040101-1 | 1/1/1904 | 1 | straitsechomail19040101-1.1.8 | 6 | straitsechomail19040101- | Colombia’s Threat | Colombia’s Threat Results in Landing of American Marines. (Cablenews Special Service.) Washington, lltli Dec. —The United States authorities have ordered a thousand Marines to Colon. Colon (Panama) 15th Dec.—A force of United States Marines lias been landed on the Panama border in the Gulf of Darien, where it is reported | (Cablenews Special Service.) |
No results found
Title | Column name | Data type | Unit of measure | Description |
Newspaper title | newspaper_title | Text | - | Title of newspaper |
Issue id | issue_id | Text | - | Issue ID |
Issue date | issue_date | Text | - | Issue date |
Edition | edition | Text | - | Issue date |
Page id | page_id | Text | - | Page ID |
Page number | page_number | Text | - | Page number |
Article id | article_id | Text | - | Article ID |
Article title | article_title | Text | - | Title of article |
Article text 1st50words | article_text_1st50words | Text | - | First 50 words of the article text |
Contributor | contributor | Text | - | Contributor- an entity that made contributions to the article |
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