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Newspapers-Sunday Tribune (Singapore)-1938 to 1941

Data from Feb 2024 to Feb 2025Updated 9 months ago

NLB (National Library Board)

This dataset is a list of digitised out-of-copyright newspaper articles from the National Library, Singapore.

These materials present a valuable resource on Singapore’s history, art and culture, digitised as part of an endeavour to preserve and provide better access to resources located within the library to enable users to explore and discover these resources.

For enquiries, please email ref@nlb.gov.sg

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NewspapersSundayTribuneSingapore1938to1941.csv (26.5K rows, 10.8 MB)

Newspaper title
Issue id
Issue date
Page id
Page number
Article id
Article title
Article text 1st50words
Sunday Tribune (Singapore)100.0%
26 March 19390.9%
21 May 19390.9%
3 April 19380.9%
16 April 19390.9%
Sin Chew Jit Poh0.2%
C. H. Stanley Jones0.1%
Vera Ardmore0.1%
Sunday Tribune (Singapore)sundaytribune19380102-12 January 19381sundaytribune19380102-1.1.11sundaytribune19380102-1.2.1MastheadThe Sunday Tribune SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, JANUARY. 2, 1938. FIVE CENTS. The Sunday Tribune SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, JANUARY 2, 1938.NA
Sunday Tribune (Singapore)sundaytribune19380102-12 January 19381sundaytribune19380102-1.1.11sundaytribune19380102-1.2.2JAPANESE PEACE PLANJAPANESE PEACE PLAN SJX POINTS Rejec'ed'By Chiang Ksi Shek I! tnkow, Jalfc IfT enter. terms r«--d present PZTtoMrcb -il Chiinjr K.u Shek, who rnmediately. the re- amcnt for p ;.»ie Govemm ifcAnibassadcr at S^j^ Sir.o-Japane ins Japii comomnicaiiar.s ai.. 2 tltr antiI r rrnan£nt Japanese r\ ;rized zones m dNA
Sunday Tribune (Singapore)sundaytribune19380102-12 January 19381sundaytribune19380102-1.1.11sundaytribune19380102-1.2.3DEMONSTRATION IN SINGAPOREDEMONSTRATION IN SINGAPORE Police Out To Diaper c Crowd Saiuro. /THIS mon number of 1 sU-. ion m Benc Strtol he Chinese A d m the demons: A pom procei to the scene immediately news was received The Chief Police Officer Kan. viqe stati &gt;n wl It is released.NA
Sunday Tribune (Singapore)sundaytribune19380102-12 January 19381sundaytribune19380102-1.1.11sundaytribune19380102-1.2.4BIG BUSINESSBIG BUSINESS Roosevelt On Amor lean Attacks 31 Questioned the si Seance of the attacks by Ickes anu Mr -big busi»i n they mx o di.;'iards leeislation fed&lt; tions.- ReuterNA
Sunday Tribune (Singapore)sundaytribune19380102-12 January 19381sundaytribune19380102-1.1.11sundaytribune19380102-1.2.5ANTI-JAPANESE TERRORISM IN SHANGHAIANTI-JAPANESE TERRORISM IN SHANGHAI PISTOLS AND HAND GRENADES USED JAFANESE SOLDIERS INJURED INCIDENTS- IN TWO DEFERENT PLACES E explosion of hand grenades, resulting m a panic among the people, ushered m the New Year m Shanghai. Hand grenades were hurled at a party of Japanese soldiers m Hankow Road whileNA
Sunday Tribune (Singapore)sundaytribune19380102-12 January 19381sundaytribune19380102-1.1.11sundaytribune19380102-1.2.6REFUGEE TRAINREFUGEE TRAIN ISh Jan. 1. c rel car i Bnu. her nationes. ha^i ai mv incirlf»rt &gt;ute.- ReuterNA
Sunday Tribune (Singapore)sundaytribune19380102-12 January 19381sundaytribune19380102-1.1.11sundaytribune19380102-1.2.7CORRESPONDENTS KILLEDCORRESPONDENTS KILLED Car Suffered Direct Hit From Shell Hendaye. Jan. 1. i I IK'S special correspondent. Mr. E. R. Sheepshanks, was killed while motoring to observe ihe m the Teruel area. The American correspondent, Mr. Johnson of the magazine "Spur' m a" i&gt; killed. r. .m 1 t.f the AssociatedNA
Sunday Tribune (Singapore)sundaytribune19380102-12 January 19381sundaytribune19380102-1.1.11sundaytribune19380102-1.2.8English & Scottish Football ResultsEnglish Scottish Football Results BIRMINGHAM HELD TO A DRAW Southend Morton Badly Beaten London, Jan. 1. RESULTS of English and Scottish league football matches played to-day, as cabled by Reuter, are as follows:— ENGLISH LEAGUE, DIV. I iLSr.nal 2 Everton i .^i.mingham i Stoke City l xkpool 4 Hudder.sfield T.NA
Sunday Tribune (Singapore)sundaytribune19380102-12 January 19381sundaytribune19380102-1.1.11sundaytribune19380102-1.2.9New Air Race To Australia?New Air Race To Australia? SYDNEY PLAN OF CELEBRATION STAR FLYERS Clouston May Take Part London, Dec. 22. ANOTHER England-Australia air n race may be arranged as part of the 150 th anniversary celebrations of New South Wales which opens m Sydney next month., Star flyers, including "Jimmy" Broadbent, JeanNA
Sunday Tribune (Singapore)sundaytribune19380102-12 January 19381sundaytribune19380102-1.1.11sundaytribune19380102-1.2.10NEW GOVERNOR OF B.B.C.NEW GOVERNOR OF B.B.C. Miss Margery Fry To Officiate mtrir m v London, Dec. 31. THE King has approved the appoint--1 ment of Miss Margery Fry to be Governor of the British Broadcasting Corporation for the next five years .succeeding Mrs. Mary Hamilton, whose has expired. During the war MissNA

Column legend

Column name
Data type
Unit of measure
Newspaper titlenewspaper_titleText-Title of newspaper
Issue idissue_idText-Issue ID
Issue dateissue_dateText-Issue date
Page idpage_idText-Page ID
Page numberpage_numberText-Page number
Article idarticle_idText-Article ID
Article titlearticle_titleText-Title of article
Article text 1st50wordsarticle_text_1st50wordsText-First 50 words of the article text
ContributorcontributorText-Contributor- an entity that made contributions to the article
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dataset_id = "d_8697c0e4f0b625531be10cb8db1032bb"
url = "https://data.gov.sg/api/action/datastore_search?resource_id="  + dataset_id 
response = requests.get(url)


This dataset can be reused and cited in research publications.

National Library Board. (2022). Newspapers-Sunday Tribune (Singapore)-1938 to 1941 (2024) [Dataset]. data.gov.sg. Retrieved February 18, 2025 from https://data.gov.sg/datasets/d_8697c0e4f0b625531be10cb8db1032bb/view

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Created on

27 Sep 2022


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NLB (National Library Board)