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Newspapers-Straits Daily Advertiser-1900

Data from Feb 2024 to Feb 2025Updated 9 months ago

NLB (National Library Board)

This dataset is a list of digitised out-of-copyright newspaper articles from the National Library, Singapore.

These materials present a valuable resource on Singapore’s history, art and culture, digitised as part of an endeavour to preserve and provide better access to resources located within the library to enable users to explore and discover these resources.

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NewspapersStraitsDailyAdvertiser1900.csv (636 rows, 283.5 KB)

Newspaper title
Issue id
Issue date
Page id
Page number
Article id
Article title
Article text 1st50words
Straits Daily Advertiser100.0%
5 July 19005.2%
7 July 19005.0%
2 July 19004.9%
30 June 19004.9%
Page 1 Advertisements Column 13.6%
Page 1 Advertisements Column 23.6%
Straits Daily Advertiserstraitsdailyadv19000618-118 June 19001straitsdailyadv19000618-1.1.11straitsdailyadv19000618-1.2.1MastheadTHE Straits Daily Advertiser. ISSUED GRATIS* A journal devote*} to the interests of advertisers and t>, a n ,v,. its pages will be found columns §f nlSjlS onrt RS lic f ?nerallY- In ing and amusing. Guaranteed CirSSp^^ggS 6"681- Vol. I.] SINGAPORE, 18;m JUNE, .10.00.* No. 2.NA
Straits Daily Advertiserstraitsdailyadv19000618-118 June 19001straitsdailyadv19000618-1.1.11straitsdailyadv19000618-1.2.2EDITORIAL NOTES.EDITORIAL NOTES. Ai.Tnor(Hi t\iv.u) is jit tlie present moment do sign of |"e conclusion of ilie-war, in spite of tlie favorable .aspect, of affuirsj ;\o\vs by the mail inform us, that tnu, in Sontli Africa is apparpjjiiy--'6u \hc mofo npvin. Naturally,, kt prwilt tbe extent of eK])ans!ou is sjtrictly HaiitoflNA
Straits Daily Advertiserstraitsdailyadv19000618-118 June 19001straitsdailyadv19000618-1.1.11straitsdailyadv19000618-1.2.3EXCHANGE.EXCHANGE. [Jiaies arc corrected to p,m, j (hi London. —Bank 4 in/g 2/Demnjid \j'\\ i Private 0 in/5... 2,0 L Do. 8 in/s. 2.0.J. (hi Germ ami. —Barik d/d 2.00 Irivate 8 ni/5...2.0'*5 Do. G m/s ..2.07 0h France, jinnk d/d 2.47 rrivate»J3 m/s 2.52; Do. (5 in s.. 2NA
Straits Daily Advertiserstraitsdailyadv19000618-118 June 19001straitsdailyadv19000618-1.1.11straitsdailyadv19000618- 1 Advertisements Column 1ROBHSON-^M-' SINGAPORE.;. 5' PATENT LEVER WATCHES, Guaranteed f s Accurate, H on-Magnetic, And Unsurpassed > At the. Price; S^r^:. *r«Myith xhandsome ease, spare glass ai3<! main spring NICKEL 7-50 SILVER'S 15-00 EOBINSON Co.,NA
Straits Daily Advertiserstraitsdailyadv19000618-118 June 19001straitsdailyadv19000618-1.1.11straitsdailyadv19000618- 1 Advertisements Column 2Sewing aiachinesi* FAMILY HAND, WITH COYEE $85.00. VIBIUTING SHUTTLE HANI) MACHINE, WITH COYER, $50.00. ROBINSON 00.NA
Straits Daily Advertiserstraitsdailyadv19000618-118 June 19001straitsdailyadv19000618-1.1.22straitsdailyadv19000618- 2 Advertisements Column 133^ SPECIAL "^^^^^J^ -A-^FOI^TI/TBIZSrT To Th- t- The Governors of the Straits Settlements anc Hongkong, and to H, H. The Sultan of Johore. THE EASY PAYMENT j '^S^ Vj^^^^^^W^K^ RIEE AT MODERATE SYSTEM.. -iS^SI Sli^=¥^^y^^^^ffl^^ 'RATES. :^wKiPSB9Ri THE BOBINSON PiAMO GOMPAHY, SINGAPORE, M.EDAN:DEU t HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI. Piano Makers, Repairers,NA
Straits Daily Advertiserstraitsdailyadv19000618-118 June 19001straitsdailyadv19000618-1.1.33straitsdailyadv19000618-1.2.6NEWS AND NOTES.NEWS AND NOTES. Advantages of an International 1 ostage Stamp. At present you cannot enclose a stamp for reply to a foreign correspondent. You'cannot. send payment for small amounts (•50 cents or less) to foreign countries, It is difficult to send to United States, France, or Germany to purchase aNA
Straits Daily Advertiserstraitsdailyadv19000618-118 June 19001straitsdailyadv19000618-1.1.33straitsdailyadv19000618- 3 Advertisements Column 1JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. SINGAPORE. i SOSi E ACHEMT FOR EOVER CYCLES FROM $120.00 EACH. AEBAT»»S IiT». AERATOR BOTTLES AND SPARKLETS invaluable for Qiiisiaiions and Jqngle use. Pasteur Filters The best and most reliable filter. Cbc &|apore T)ippen^ary, LIMITED, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS, 40 Raffles Place XEXT DOORNA
Straits Daily Advertiserstraitsdailyadv19000618-118 June 19001straitsdailyadv19000618-1.1.33straitsdailyadv19000618- 3 Advertisements Column 2POWELL ROBIISOfJ High Class Civil it Military .Tailor, Breeches Maker,. Sftlrt Maker, Halter anil Ontfitier, etc., ek. SPECIALITIES SPORTING GARMENTS GENTLEMEN'S EVENING DRESS, ETC, 6b battery road. SINGAPORE. TABAp-RIA UNIVERSAL.' THK CHEAPEST HOLISM IN THE TKADE 3?OB CIGARS Wholesale and Retail DEALHII IN MANILA CIGARS No. 8, Baffles Place, Singapore.NA
Straits Daily Advertiserstraitsdailyadv19000618-118 June 19001straitsdailyadv19000618-1.1.44straitsdailyadv19000618- 4 Advertisements Column 1KEYSTONE-ELGIN WATCHES. DURABLE AND ACCURATE, Made on the Interchangeable Principle, Only Wholesale Indents Filled. For .Further Partieaslars ami Prices Apply to W. H. HENDERSON 3 38 Raffles Place, lIKCIIP^BE 3-" dunl6T> tyres, The acme of ease in running and most easily repaired in the. remote contingency of a puncture happening.NA

Column legend

Column name
Data type
Unit of measure
Newspaper titlenewspaper_titleText-Title of newspaper
Issue idissue_idText-Issue ID
Issue dateissue_dateText-Issue date
Page idpage_idText-Page ID
Page numberpage_numberText-Page number
Article idarticle_idText-Article ID
Article titlearticle_titleText-Title of article
Article text 1st50wordsarticle_text_1st50wordsText-First 50 words of the article text
ContributorcontributorText-Contributor- an entity that made contributions to the article
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dataset_id = "d_8d3647bf2946589e07b4cde4143bddad"
url = "https://data.gov.sg/api/action/datastore_search?resource_id="  + dataset_id 
response = requests.get(url)


This dataset can be reused and cited in research publications.

National Library Board. (2022). Newspapers-Straits Daily Advertiser-1900 (2024) [Dataset]. data.gov.sg. Retrieved February 18, 2025 from https://data.gov.sg/datasets/d_8d3647bf2946589e07b4cde4143bddad/view

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Created on

26 Sep 2022


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NLB (National Library Board)