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Newspapers-Prince of Wales Island Gazette-1833

Data from Feb 2024 to Feb 2025Updated 9 months ago

NLB (National Library Board)

This dataset is a list of digitised out-of-copyright newspaper articles from the National Library, Singapore.

These materials present a valuable resource on Singapore’s history, art and culture, digitised as part of an endeavour to preserve and provide better access to resources located within the library to enable users to explore and discover these resources.

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NewspapersPrinceofWalesIslandGazette1833.csv (68 rows, 30.1 KB)

Newspaper title
Issue id
Issue date
Page id
Page number
Article id
Article title
Article text 1st50words
Prince of Wales Island Gazette100.0%
’—Eevening Paper.1.5%
Prince of Wales Island Gazetteprincewalesgazette18330720-11833-07-201princewalesgazette18330720-1.1.11princewalesgazette18330720-1.2.1MastheadPRINCE OF WALES ISLAND GAZETTE. Voi/. t. Saturday, Jilt, 20, 1833. Mo, 1. Public Notifications appearing in this Paper, and Signed by the Proper Authorities are to be considered as Official.NA
Prince of Wales Island Gazetteprincewalesgazette18330720-11833-07-201princewalesgazette18330720-1.1.22princewalesgazette18330720-1.2.10The Gazette,The Gazette, Saturday, —July, 20, 1833. OnS aturday last the 12th inst. the Ship Edward Captain R. Heaviside, anchored in the harbour from the Eastward, having on board the Hon. Sir Benjamin Malkin, Kt. Recorder, A. J. Kerr, Esq. Registrar, and the Court Establishment on return from Circuit. Sir BenjaminNA
Prince of Wales Island Gazetteprincewalesgazette18330720-11833-07-201princewalesgazette18330720-1.1.33princewalesgazette18330720-1.2.11European Extract.European Extract. LONDON, 3rd March, 1833. l The late Dreadful Gale?. The accounts from all parts of our coast? a -e full of terrors. Strong weather lias prevailed for three weeks, which rose last week to an absolute hurricane. The Cambrian snv- The morning of Tuesday opened with a sereneNA
Prince of Wales Island Gazetteprincewalesgazette18330720-11833-07-201princewalesgazette18330720-1.1.33princewalesgazette18330720-1.2.12FOREIGN NEWS.FOREIGN NEWS. Times Feb. 5. From the Atlas of 3rd. March 1833. HOLLAND. Prince Talleyrand and Lord Palmerston declare that they have laid three successive projects of convention before the King of Holland he accepts neither, and the treaty is to be at an end. It having been reported thatTimes
Prince of Wales Island Gazetteprincewalesgazette18330720-11833-07-201princewalesgazette18330720-1.1.44princewalesgazette18330720-1.2.13IBRAHIM PACHA, THE CONQUEROR OF SYRIA.IBRAHIM PACHA, THE CONQUEROR OF SYRIA. f From the A r ew Monthly Magazine for February 1833. While Europe rings with the history of civil change, we have only to cast our eves to another quarter of the globe 'to witness the progress of events equally mighty, though bv noNA
Prince of Wales Island Gazetteprincewalesgazette18330720-11833-07-201princewalesgazette18330720-1.1.44princewalesgazette18330720-1.2.14THE DUCHESS DE BERRI.THE DUCHESS DE BERRI. Tunes, March Paris, Wednesday Feb. 27.—The declaration of the Duchess of Berri, published in the official part of (esterday's Moniteur, continues to be the chief subject of conversation in our political circles, at the Bourse, and indeed, throughout the capital. The Carlists seem to have heeuTunes
Prince of Wales Island Gazetteprincewalesgazette18330720-11833-07-201princewalesgazette18330720-1.1.44princewalesgazette18330720-1.2.15MISCELLANEA.MISCELLANEA. in America as in England «Stuart* Three years in North Ame ica. Gullibility. —Mr. Vermeersch, the innkeeper ol Calais, who was swindled out of some property bv the Chevalier dindustrie Sir Alfred Fitzherbert Brown, Ambassador Ex» traordinary from the King of Naples to the Emperor of Russia, explains thein America as in England -■«Stuart* Three years in North Ame ica.
Prince of Wales Island Gazetteprincewalesgazette18330720-11833-07-201princewalesgazette18330720-1.1.11princewalesgazette18330720-1.2.2PENANG.PENANG. Intelligence. «Irrir&ls. July 9. Shin Edward, Ralph Heaviside, from Malacca, sth July. 9 Bark Elizabeth, James Stephen, from Singapore, 4th July. 10. Brig Lydia Eastgate, M. F. Smith, from Teluksarravi, 4th July. 22. Bark Mydetn Bux, J. H. Velge. from ditto, SOth June. Brig Human Shaw, R. G. Wilson,NA
Prince of Wales Island Gazetteprincewalesgazette18330720-11833-07-201princewalesgazette18330720-1.1.11princewalesgazette18330720-1.2.3Arrivals of Passengers.Arrivals of Passengers. P°r Meydin Bux.- Messrs Eraght and Koek, Per Zephi/r,— M iss Wallace, Per Marquis of HunHy —Cap*, and Mrs, Bartlett, J Mathiesqn i?sq, Lt, Briggs, Per Lord Amherst, T. Uaker, A'sq, R, Brown, E<<\,NA
Prince of Wales Island Gazetteprincewalesgazette18330720-11833-07-201princewalesgazette18330720-1.1.11princewalesgazette18330720-,BIRTHS, On the 27th May last., at the Resident of J Padoay, Esq, the Lady of Captain Pujl.jp BlaiiL of the Dutch' Bark Batavia, of a DAt'aarsK On the 27th ult. Mrs. T. G. Mitchell, Junior, of a Daughter.NA

Column legend

Column name
Data type
Unit of measure
Newspaper titlenewspaper_titleText-Title of newspaper
Issue idissue_idText-Issue ID
Issue dateissue_dateText-Issue date
Page idpage_idText-Page ID
Page numberpage_numberText-Page number
Article idarticle_idText-Article ID
Article titlearticle_titleText-Title of article
Article text 1st50wordsarticle_text_1st50wordsText-First 50 words of the article text
ContributorcontributorText-Contributor- an entity that made contributions to the article
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dataset_id = "d_939c55df2b0e9451c31f25c17836f8c3"
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National Library Board. (2024). Newspapers-Prince of Wales Island Gazette-1833 (2024) [Dataset]. data.gov.sg. Retrieved February 18, 2025 from https://data.gov.sg/datasets/d_939c55df2b0e9451c31f25c17836f8c3/view

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19 Mar 2024


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NLB (National Library Board)