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Newspapers-Malayan Saturday Post-1924 to 1928

Data from Feb 2024 to Feb 2025Updated 9 months ago

NLB (National Library Board)

This dataset is a list of digitised out-of-copyright newspaper articles from the National Library, Singapore.

These materials present a valuable resource on Singapore’s history, art and culture, digitised as part of an endeavour to preserve and provide better access to resources located within the library to enable users to explore and discover these resources.

For enquiries, please email ref@nlb.gov.sg

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NewspapersMalayanSaturdayPost1924to1928.csv (18.1K rows, 7.5 MB)

Newspaper title
Issue id
Issue date
Page id
Page number
Article id
Article title
Article text 1st50words
Malayan Saturday Post100.0%
1 November 19260.7%
24 December 19270.7%
10 December 19270.6%
22 December 19280.6%
" Argus0.2%
Malayan Saturday Postmalayansatpost19240126-126 January 19241malayansatpost19240126-1.1.11malayansatpost19240126-1.2.1MastheadThe Malayan Saturday Post ILLUSTRATED 77.e of/ yru/ lt UV t &gt;A7y Paper ir. .*/t;%a. Published every Saturday. Vol. I. Nol SINGAPORE, JANUARY 26, 1924. Price 25 Cents.NA
Malayan Saturday Postmalayansatpost19240126-126 January 19241malayansatpost19240126-1.1.11malayansatpost19240126- 1 Advertisements Column 1Get your b by weighed Gratis H J =^h^~ All the advice y° u squire V allJ ____si as____. a s._^_^ i a ____i____b _rf V. f l_t-irL-----T JM i M e^.^BrWT-jT^eS __i _I_^_____rn I K*T-_-tSß^jl .1 cP*ft "tfey mT as*w .H^HIR _^&lt;__* I y£j wil^find "ip r I J*XNA
Malayan Saturday Postmalayansatpost19240126-126 January 19241malayansatpost19240126-1.1.22malayansatpost19240126- 2 Advertisements Column 1Mc ALISTER Co., Ltd.l (incorporated ln the Straits Settlements) I.— CORONA'S seventeen yeai '1' service your best guarantee of its reliability market-tin 1906, it is the only Portable Typewr-" which h. withstood the Test of Time 2— lt is the simplest of all ypewriters, a for that reason seldom needsNA
Malayan Saturday Postmalayansatpost19240126-126 January 19241malayansatpost19240126-1.1.33malayansatpost19240126- 3 Advertisements Column 1Lonicnis. Illustrations "i» Pa^es "&gt;, »&gt; t 13, ig. I'u.e 4 Sport* Paoi 9. News off the World. 1'a«;e 10 Le^al NewPack 19. The Labour Party. PlOl 14. Insurance Against Crime. The Bodftl Evil. Paoi 15 A Tragedy of Spring. Sparklet of the week. Paoi lo Bishop Biekley. PlOl 19.NA
Malayan Saturday Postmalayansatpost19240126-126 January 19241malayansatpost19240126-1.1.33malayansatpost19240126- 3 Advertisements Column 2INDEX TO PRINCIPAL ADVERTISERS. Front Page. Meaeia Nest!- a: Angln Swiss Con- J dens .i Milk ('-...—Lactogen. Philip Thayer fe Co.,— Peppermint Chewing Sweet. The Stan. lani Oil Co., Socony Motor Oil Page '2. McAlister fe Co., Lt.i.,— Motor Car Tyre« fe Tubes. Hut:eiib»eh, Li/arus k Sons. Ltd —Sunlight SoapNA
Malayan Saturday Postmalayansatpost19240126-126 January 19241malayansatpost19240126-1.1.33malayansatpost19240126- 3 Advertisements Column 3(ieuerai Fleet ric Co., Ltd.— Osram Q K C. (Jar-Held Lamps Robinaou a: Co., Ltd. Tennis ienna Cafe. Confectioners and Caterers. AI. Alohamed Dulfakir Co. Books and Periodicals Ornamental Tile Works. Concrete Drains etc. Al Manjoor Baiboo. Gent's Outfitter. Leo D. Qoaling Co. Aitken's Falkirk Ales Colonial Motor Co FiatNA
Malayan Saturday Postmalayansatpost19240126-126 January 19241malayansatpost19240126-1.1.33malayansatpost19240126- 3 Advertisements Column 4Oriental Hotel 77, BRAS BASAH ROAD, SINCAPORE. Centrally Situated. Ideal Service. Grill Room and Cafe Adjoining the Dining Room. Large And Well Furnished Rooms, With Private Baths, Electric Lights And Fans Attached. Excellent Cuisine Under European Supervision. Tel. No. 1986.NA
Malayan Saturday Postmalayansatpost19240126-126 January 19241malayansatpost19240126-1.1.44malayansatpost19240126-1.2.5SPORT OF THE WEEK.SPORT OF THE WEEK. "ARGUS." A REVIEW AND COMMENTARY. BY Anticlimax That was the fate awaiting the eagerly anticipated Malaya Cup rugger final at Kuala Lumpur last Saturday. Thc big battalions of Singapore and Selangor were in opposition, having made harks of all their foes in the earlier rounds. Once" ARGUS
Malayan Saturday Postmalayansatpost19240126-126 January 19241malayansatpost19240126-1.1.44malayansatpost19240126-1.2.6GOLF AS GUIDE TO CRITIC.GOLF AS GUIDE TO CRITIC. At a Company meeting held in&gt; Colombo recently, a .-hare-holder neefaced bis criticism of the Directors iu the following terms I do not rappoea I shall be allowed to go very far before lam ruled out of i oruer, so I will proceed 0 nNA
Malayan Saturday Postmalayansatpost19240126-126 January 19241malayansatpost19240126-1.1.55malayansatpost19240126-1.2.7SULTAN OF SELANGORSULTAN OF SELANGOR -"-bi.ee Ce.ebretions at Klang. rh kwenty^fth anniversary of the &lt;* H.ghness BolUo A, Qeluman Mud, Belabor u;ls celebrated al i;, slll i;lst ln())ii)i '"'I Oriental aplenduur. H ,J High Commiaaioaer Sir Uure «ce Oudlemard who .tended ihe fn^o«iboieteetimony to J High-"'•-devotion lotheBlateof Belabor ""J «he welfare ofNA

Column legend

Column name
Data type
Unit of measure
Newspaper titlenewspaper_titleText-Title of newspaper
Issue idissue_idText-Issue ID
Issue dateissue_dateText-Issue date
Page idpage_idText-Page ID
Page numberpage_numberText-Page number
Article idarticle_idText-Article ID
Article titlearticle_titleText-Title of article
Article text 1st50wordsarticle_text_1st50wordsText-First 50 words of the article text
ContributorcontributorText-Contributor- an entity that made contributions to the article
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dataset_id = "d_a96e4adfcdcd7a168a95a59fca64da60"
url = "https://data.gov.sg/api/action/datastore_search?resource_id="  + dataset_id 
response = requests.get(url)


This dataset can be reused and cited in research publications.

National Library Board. (2022). Newspapers-Malayan Saturday Post-1924 to 1928 (2024) [Dataset]. data.gov.sg. Retrieved February 18, 2025 from https://data.gov.sg/datasets/d_a96e4adfcdcd7a168a95a59fca64da60/view

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Created on

22 Sep 2022


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NLB (National Library Board)