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Newspapers-Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle-1879

Data from Feb 2024 to Feb 2025Updated 9 months ago

NLB (National Library Board)

This dataset is a list of digitised out-of-copyright newspaper articles from the National Library, Singapore.

These materials present a valuable resource on Singapore’s history, art and culture, digitised as part of an endeavour to preserve and provide better access to resources located within the library to enable users to explore and discover these resources.

For enquiries, please email ref@nlb.gov.sg

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NewspapersPinangGazetteandStraitsChronicle1879.csv (1.4K rows, 632.2 KB)

Newspaper title
Issue id
Issue date
Page id
Page number
Article id
Article title
Article text 1st50words
Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle100.0%
Page 1 Advertisements Column 16.9%
Page 2 Advertisements Column 16.9%
Page 5 Advertisements Column 16.7%
From our Exchanges.0.4%
From our Exchanges0.3%
From out Exchanges0.1%
Pinang Gazette and Straits Chroniclepinangazette18790110-11879-01-101pinangazette18790110-1.1.11pinangazette18790110-1.2.1MastheadPINANG GAZETTE AND STRAITS CHRONICLE PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AWD FRIDAY. NEW SERIES. FRIDAY, 10th JANUARY, 1879, VOL- XXXVII, No. 3NA
Pinang Gazette and Straits Chroniclepinangazette18790110-11879-01-101pinangazette18790110-1.1.55pinangazette18790110- 5 Advertisements Column 1ON TAI INSURANCE COMPANY. PROSPECTUS. UNITED. rnHE having been THE PHYE RIVER DOCK COMPANY LIMITED I appointed agent, for the above TO BE INCORPORATED UNDER THIS INDIAN ACT X, OE 11466. Company is prepared to issue Ma- CAPITAL A* 200,000. nne Policies on the most favorable ter F“± In 2000NA
Pinang Gazette and Straits Chroniclepinangazette18790110-11879-01-101pinangazette18790110-1.1.66pinangazette18790110- 6 Advertisements Column 1NEW GOODS 00 0 Tnr r CR JUST RECEIVED FROM PTTnnPT? c*< A V y<7 Hotel and Uath Establishments, begs to LUIvUiL notify that he has taken the Management of BY T jj E y* tbe business to himself, and hopes by strict x-i attention to it to merit theNA
Pinang Gazette and Straits Chroniclepinangazette18790110-11879-01-101pinangazette18790110-1.1.77pinangazette18790110- 7 Advertisements Column 1NOTICE WTOHCE is hereby given that I have £1 this day dissolved with MOOS.A H and DaOD in the business which we have for the last Six months past carried on as traI ders in Chulia Street No 129 George Town in Piuang. Dated at Pinung this 11th day ofNA
Pinang Gazette and Straits Chroniclepinangazette18790110-11879-01-101pinangazette18790110-1.1.11pinangazette18790110- 1 Advertisements Column 1peninsular Oriental Steam Nabigation ®ompanp. THE following are the appointed A dates of arrival of the Mail Packconveying the outward and homeward Mails as approved of by H. M. Postmaster General. Outwafd Bqate- HomewardKoute 1879. 1879 sth January Sunday 13th January Monday 19th do. 27th de. 2nd February dq. lothNA
Pinang Gazette and Straits Chroniclepinangazette18790110-11879-01-101pinangazette18790110-1.1.11pinangazette18790110- 1 Advertisements Column 2STOOMVAARTS MAATSCHAPPU “NEDERLAND.” Steam Communication diregt to Holland. ’The First Class, full powered Steamers of this Company, (under mail contract with the Nederlands Government,) will call here every three weeks, till June next, punctually, as under. Prinses Amalia 29th Jiiny. 1879 Prins Van Oranje 19th Feby. Madura 12th March ConradNA
Pinang Gazette and Straits Chroniclepinangazette18790110-11879-01-101pinangazette18790110-1.1.11pinangazette18790110- 1 Advertisements Column 3CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE THE undersigned are prepared to accept all risks on Tobacco from the Drying sheds on Estates in Sumutra including transhipment via this port to Europe. For particulars apply to LORRAIN, GILLESPIE CO. Agents. The Positive GOVERNMENT SECURITY L’ft Assurance Company LIMITED. ———=o»JOOOOO*— The Company recpiest the earnestNA
Pinang Gazette and Straits Chroniclepinangazette18790110-11879-01-101pinangazette18790110-1.1.11pinangazette18790110- 1 Advertisements Column 4BRQTMKttS, GENERAL STORE, PENANG AND SINGAPORE. Commercial Square, Beach Street Have always Halfen fort- Sont ton-1 Hebb tr on hand awe)) waehrend jours bien steels vooi selected and ein wohlas- asso r t i s radig eeu richly assor- sortirtes La- dans tous ryk assorti. ted stock of geraller Eu-NA
Pinang Gazette and Straits Chroniclepinangazette18790110-11879-01-101pinangazette18790110-1.1.22pinangazette18790110- 2 Advertisements Column 1Tff E BTAK A R D THE LONDON ASSURANCE PENAN.O MLEDI'CA.t- STQR.E, life Assurance Company. Incorporated by Royal Charter, No. 18, BEACH STREET. m r •Tw z, Established 1873. ««•mor. For Insuring Buildings, Goods, Frelll p>to M icinfs Pro p,i„„ ry Anicirs. Droggis.., Supuri.t. (THE RIGHT HON. THE Merchandize VesselsNA
Pinang Gazette and Straits Chroniclepinangazette18790110-11879-01-101pinangazette18790110-1.1.33pinangazette18790110-1.2.4Pinang Gazette. Friday, 10th January, 1879.Pinang Gazette. Friday, 10th January, 1879. EICttANG®. PIKANU, 10th JixuART. 1879. Rate» class its follows London, Demand 3s. 6}d. V dollar Do. 8 months’ sight, Bank 3s. 7jd. Do. Oredita 3s. 8(4. Do. Documentary 3s. gjd. Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 223 4TJIOO. Do. 30 days' sight Private 228 Bombay, 30NA

Column legend

Column name
Data type
Unit of measure
Newspaper titlenewspaper_titleText-Title of newspaper
Issue idissue_idText-Issue ID
Issue dateissue_dateText-Issue date
Page idpage_idText-Page ID
Page numberpage_numberText-Page number
Article idarticle_idText-Article ID
Article titlearticle_titleText-Title of article
Article text 1st50wordsarticle_text_1st50wordsText-First 50 words of the article text
ContributorcontributorText-Contributor- an entity that made contributions to the article
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dataset_id = "d_af5ea97030fed0db57e14efbe2bd93fd"
url = "https://data.gov.sg/api/action/datastore_search?resource_id="  + dataset_id 
response = requests.get(url)


This dataset can be reused and cited in research publications.

National Library Board. (2024). Newspapers-Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle-1879 (2024) [Dataset]. data.gov.sg. Retrieved February 18, 2025 from https://data.gov.sg/datasets/d_af5ea97030fed0db57e14efbe2bd93fd/view

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Created on

19 Mar 2024


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NLB (National Library Board)