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Data from Feb 2024 to Feb 2025Updated 9 months ago
NLB (National Library Board)This dataset is a list of digitised out-of-copyright newspaper articles from the National Library, Singapore.
These materials present a valuable resource on Singapore’s history, art and culture, digitised as part of an endeavour to preserve and provide better access to resources located within the library to enable users to explore and discover these resources.
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Newspaper title Text | Issue id Text | Issue date Text | Edition Text | Page id Text | Page number Text | Article id Text | Article title Text | Article text 1st50words Text | Contributor Text |
(Null)0.0% Singapore Weekly Herald100.0% | (Null)0.0% singweekherald18880901-14.1% singweekherald18890504-12.9% singweekherald18890202-12.7% singweekherald18880811-12.4% | (Null)0.0% 1 September 18884.1% 4 May 18892.9% 2 February 18892.7% 29 June 18892.4% | (Null)0.0% 1100.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% 19.5% 213.2% 38.1% 104.9% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)94.6% Father Coleridge S. J4.6% CATHERINE COLE0.3% J.C. A0.2% W.J. A0.2% |
Singapore Weekly Herald | singweekherald18880707-1 | 7 July 1888 | 1 | singweekherald18880707-1.1.1 | 1 | singweekherald18880707-1.2.1 | Masthead | The Singapore Weekly Herald. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. VOL. l.| SINGAPORE, BATUEDAY, 7th JULY, 1888. i So. 1. | NA |
Singapore Weekly Herald | singweekherald18880707-1 | 7 July 1888 | 1 | singweekherald18880707-1.1.1 | 1 | singweekherald18880707- | Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 | THE SINGAPORE WEEKLY HERALD. KATES Of SUBSCRIPTION. Local and Outstatiou Delivery, Payable Quartcrlv ill advance Sl..">l>. Single copy Cents. rOBXIGN DXLIVIET. (Payable Quarterly m adrauce.) Including postage. Si. so Kates U)v Advertisements can be learnt upon application. Notices of Births, Marriages, Deaths. In Memorium, or Anniversary announcements will be inserted | NA |
Singapore Weekly Herald | singweekherald18880707-1 | 7 July 1888 | 1 | singweekherald18880707-1.1.1 | 1 | singweekherald18880707- | Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 | HI. EDWARDS. tiii: "novelty" store oS7 Victoria Street, Six a a v o v Open Daily From 7 a.m. Till D v. m. Sun(hryB~excepted.) just UCBIVID. (Josnell's Cherry Blossom, and other rerfumes. M Soap. n m h Powder. ,1 Tooih Paste. Lavender Water. The Crown Perfumery Co.'s Celebrated Perfumes. Ditto | NA |
Singapore Weekly Herald | singweekherald18880707-1 | 7 July 1888 | 1 | singweekherald18880707-1.1.1 | 1 | singweekherald18880707- | Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 | THE cm m ii op OUR LADY OF LOURDES." si nc;aih)km:. pfIOTOGBAPHfI of the abote Ctanl (iatoyior and exterior) may be had upon application to the BeT.J. lUnraUTßin, Parochial lloiiv, Ophir Boad, Singapore. Price §1.50 and SI each. N.B. The pnAtl (lerivrd fnmi tho |ej| of the abovo Photogrtphf, will | NA |
Singapore Weekly Herald | singweekherald18880707-1 | 7 July 1888 | 1 | singweekherald18880707-1.1.2 | 2 | singweekherald18880707-1.2.3 | TO OUR READERS. The Singapore Weekly Herald. | TO OUR READERS. The Singapore Weekly Herald. SA'ITKDAY, 7tii JULY, 1888, Thl need of a public journal devoted to Catholic interests m the Straits Settlement! lias long been felt. The way m which our numerous subscribers have so readily come forward, and the many letters of approbation and encouragement that | NA |
Singapore Weekly Herald | singweekherald18880707-1 | 7 July 1888 | 1 | singweekherald18880707-1.1.2 | 2 | singweekherald18880707-1.2.4 | THE HOLY SEE AND IRELAND. | THE HOLY SEE AND IRELAND. Thk decree of the 1 1 1« > 1 _>' OtHce condemning boycotting and tin* I'lan of Campaign is still tin 1 universal topic of public and private conversation not only throughout ( Britain and Ireland, but m every part of tin* world. The sensation | NA |
Singapore Weekly Herald | singweekherald18880707-1 | 7 July 1888 | 1 | singweekherald18880707-1.1.2 | 2 | singweekherald18880707-1.2.5 | THE CHURCH IN CATHOLIC COUNTRIES. | THE CHURCH IN CATHOLIC COUNTRIES. It is sometimes alh-ed th;ift 1.,. Church is losing ground m Catholic countries. This is altogether a mistake. In a spirited article m the columns of the New York Sun, a few months ago, tins opinion was ably contradicted. ''Catholics" says the sun, "are actually | NA |
Singapore Weekly Herald | singweekherald18880707-1 | 7 July 1888 | 1 | singweekherald18880707-1.1.2 | 2 | singweekherald18880707-1.2.6 | LOCAL AND GENERAL. | LOCAL AND GENERAL. At the Church of S.S. Peter and !\:u!. Queen Street, the feast of the patron laintg of the church was observed with all due solemnity on Friday the 2i>rh ultimo. The services of the day commenced at 7a.m. with solemn High* Mass, when the Rev, Father D | NA |
Singapore Weekly Herald | singweekherald18880707-1 | 7 July 1888 | 1 | singweekherald18880707-1.1.2 | 2 | singweekherald18880707- | Page 2 Miscellaneous Column 1 | CALENDAR OF Till-: WEEK. Juli 7.— Saturday, St. Leo II Pope and >f ,s._7tl, Sun. lay after^l entecost, St. Elinbeth, Queen ol Portugal, 1326. i>. Monday, St. Ephrein, Dr. and C. -17s. 10. Tuesday, St. Felieitas and her seven sous, M. M..— l VS. M 1 1.— Wednesday, St. Pius | NA |
Singapore Weekly Herald | singweekherald18880707-1 | 7 July 1888 | 1 | singweekherald18880707-1.1.4 | 4 | singweekherald18880707-1.2.8 | CHOICE READING. | CHOICE READING. The Kosary m China Mgr T. M. (Jentili, 0 l\, Bihhop of Dioiiisia, m hia Mtinuire* dun AlixsiuHtiircu Dominicain tn i'hmr, bays. Our Clniu'M' mission, being the pet off-Hprinj^ oi the Province of the Holy Kosary of tin- Philippine*, it ii quite natural that the lirst apostles of | NA |
No results found
Title | Column name | Data type | Unit of measure | Description |
Newspaper title | newspaper_title | Text | - | Title of newspaper |
Issue id | issue_id | Text | - | Issue ID |
Issue date | issue_date | Text | - | Issue date |
Edition | edition | Text | - | Edition |
Page id | page_id | Text | - | Page ID |
Page number | page_number | Text | - | Page number |
Article id | article_id | Text | - | Article ID |
Article title | article_title | Text | - | Title of article |
Article text 1st50words | article_text_1st50words | Text | - | First 50 words of the article text |
Contributor | contributor | Text | - | Contributor- an entity that made contributions to the article |
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