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Newspapers-Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser-1905 to 1907

Data from Feb 2024 to Feb 2025Updated 9 months ago

NLB (National Library Board)

This dataset is a list of digitised out-of-copyright newspaper articles from the National Library, Singapore.

These materials present a valuable resource on Singapore’s history, art and culture, digitised as part of an endeavour to preserve and provide better access to resources located within the library to enable users to explore and discover these resources.

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NewspapersEasternDailyMailandStraitsMorningAdvertiser1905to1907.csv (46.9K rows, 19.2 MB)

Newspaper title
Issue id
Issue date
Page id
Page number
Article id
Article title
Article text 1st50words
Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser100.0%
20 September 19050.2%
27 March 19060.2%
8 May 19060.2%
10 April 19060.2%
Silas C. Penny<0.1%
Kobe Herald<0.1%
Rangoon Gazette<0.1%
Nasarvanji M. Cooper<0.1%
Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertisereasterndaily19050904-14 September 19051easterndaily19050904-1.1.11easterndaily19050904-1.2.1MastheadEastern Daily Mail AND STRAITS MORNING ADVERTISER. No. 1. VOL. L SINGAPORE, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1905. PRICE 5 CENTS.NA
Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertisereasterndaily19050904-14 September 19051easterndaily19050904-1.1.11easterndaily19050904-1.2.2THE PATH OF PEACE.THE PATH OF PEACE. HISTORY OF NEGOTIATIONS. AMUSING AMENITIES. JAPAN'S COLOSSAL RESOURCES UNTOUCHED. Queer Karthquake at Port. mouth [Ranter's Agenoy. London. Sept 2. The following telegrams were received from Reuter's Agency on Saturday A Government communique issued at St. Petersburg, and recounting the history of the negotiations, confirms the viewNA
Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertisereasterndaily19050904-14 September 19051easterndaily19050904-1.1.11easterndaily19050904-1.2.3THE BOYCOTT.THE BOYCOTT. WILL THE MOVEMENT COLLAPSE S.C.W.P. SarvlM. Shanghai, August 15.— The boycott of American manufactures, which was decided upon here some weeks ago, has already disorganized markets to such an extent that a number of Chinese merchants have suffered severe losses. It is freely said that a financial crisisNA
Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertisereasterndaily19050904-14 September 19051easterndaily19050904-1.1.11easterndaily19050904-1.2.4THE S.S. "RENEE RICKMERS.THE S.S. RENEE RICKMERS. A RECORD RUN. The sailing ship Re nee Rickiners, from Philadelphia to Kobe with a cargo of case oil for the Standard Oil Co., arrived at Kobe on the 6th ult. after the remarkably quick passage of 109 days. This is believed to be a recordNA
Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertisereasterndaily19050904-14 September 19051easterndaily19050904-1.1.11easterndaily19050904-1.2.5L'ENTENTE CORDIALE.L'ENTENTE CORDIALE. HOW THE FRENCH WERE ENTERTAINED IN ENGLAND. RIVALS IN HOSPITALITY Fr*m Our Own O*rr*«p*n««nt London, August nth, i&lt;&gt;o». The one great outstanding event of the week just ending has been the visit to British waters of the French fleet. The stay which extended exactly a week has beenNA
Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertisereasterndaily19050904-14 September 19051easterndaily19050904-1.1.11easterndaily19050904-1.2.6WEEK END WIRES.WEEK END WIRES. TRAIN ACCIDENT IN ENGLAND. MORE ARMENIAN MASSACRES LoMIMMI Sept. 2. llic following telegrams were rcreived from Reuttr M Saturday The Client Eastern express frov London to Cromcr ran off the lime a»&lt;l VM wrecked. Ten ix*opl&lt; were killed »nd twenu injured. The British Channel fleet has arrivedNA
Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertisereasterndaily19050904-14 September 19051easterndaily19050904-1.1.11easterndaily19050904-1.2.7TROUBLE IN THE CELEBES.TROUBLE IN THE CELEBES. From our ownlCorrespondent. Sol RABAYA. Sept. I. Press telegrams state that the chief Rajah of Wadho to the north of Botii has offered his submission on the ap- proach of the Dutch troops.NA
Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertisereasterndaily19050904-14 September 19051easterndaily19050904-1.1.11easterndaily19050904-1.2.8THE "SEEADLER"THE "SEEADLER" Straits Wr— Aganoy. Lauuan, Aug. 31. The German warship "Stead/ft" which went aground on Trident Shoal, was got off with the assistance of the tug Kfdah." She will leave to-monoy afternoon at 1 o a.m.NA
Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertisereasterndaily19050904-14 September 19051easterndaily19050904-1.1.11easterndaily19050904-1.2.9RISING IN SHANSI.RISING IN SHANSI. FOREIGNERS IN DANGER The following is tlolM tllc %t Ckwo Times A toad dbturbMWt i* reported From southern Sl'ansi. Several yamens have l&gt;cen attacked and burnt down, and a lone of 14 soldiers sent Ami the ncar--1 est prefecture to &lt;jucll the rising ha* disappeared, only threeNA
Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertisereasterndaily19050904-14 September 19051easterndaily19050904-1.1.11easterndaily19050904- 1 Advertisements Column 1JOHIM LITTLE CO. THE "EMPIRE" TYPEWRITER is the Favourite Machine wherever it has been introduced. SIMPLICITY, STRENGTH, LIGHT TOUCH AND VISIBLE WRITING are some of its points. ORDINARY MODEL, $140 00 BRIEF MODEL $165.00. INSURANCE POLICY MODEL $19000. Importers, BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. Ido you want I DAHL'S MILK. I JohnNA

Column legend

Column name
Data type
Unit of measure
Newspaper titlenewspaper_titleText-Title of newspaper
Issue idissue_idText-Issue ID
Issue dateissue_dateText-Issue date
Page idpage_idText-Page ID
Page numberpage_numberText-Page number
Article idarticle_idText-Article ID
Article titlearticle_titleText-Title of article
Article text 1st50wordsarticle_text_1st50wordsText-First 50 words of the article text
ContributorcontributorText-Contributor- an entity that made contributions to the article
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dataset_id = "d_c96c2331c9b19d68ee2e66171805984c"
url = "https://data.gov.sg/api/action/datastore_search?resource_id="  + dataset_id 
response = requests.get(url)


This dataset can be reused and cited in research publications.

National Library Board. (2022). Newspapers-Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser-1905 to 1907 (2024) [Dataset]. data.gov.sg. Retrieved February 18, 2025 from https://data.gov.sg/datasets/d_c96c2331c9b19d68ee2e66171805984c/view

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Created on

22 Sep 2022


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NLB (National Library Board)