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Newspapers-Straits Observer (Singapore)-1874 to 1876

Data from Feb 2024 to Feb 2025Updated 9 months ago

NLB (National Library Board)

This dataset is a list of digitised out-of-copyright newspaper articles from the National Library, Singapore.

These materials present a valuable resource on Singapore’s history, art and culture, digitised as part of an endeavour to preserve and provide better access to resources located within the library to enable users to explore and discover these resources.

For enquiries, please email ref@nlb.gov.sg

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NewspapersStraitsObserverSingapore1874to1876.csv (4.1K rows, 1.8 MB)

Newspaper title
Issue id
Issue date
Page id
Page number
Article id
Article title
Article text 1st50words
Straits Observer (Singapore)100.0%
14 November 18740.8%
14 October 18760.7%
23 September 18760.7%
12 July 18750.7%
A JOROR<0.1%
R. II. Gunning<0.1%
Straits Observer (Singapore)straitsobserver18741111-111 November 18741straitsobserver18741111-1.1.11straitsobserver18741111-1.2.1MastheadTHE STRAITS OBSERVER. p/BLISIJED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. VOLUME 11. EW mJil JNGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, 11 TU NOVEMBER, 1874. [NUMBER^.NA
Straits Observer (Singapore)straitsobserver18741111-111 November 18741straitsobserver18741111-1.1.11straitsobserver18741111- 1 Advertisements Column 1liniSlHimoß(^ R Cui! BC *&lt; ill UM li&lt; ADVE Rn3EMEXT3./ EtotfctHflm.... /moo KOI&lt;CE. c ,JH, .JT.I. hnr 'cm Incr«1 ncr« of the Comm-r.:,| p^, t'OStport.i-.u .VoT. n 74f PEMNSULAI AND ORIENTAL WtmM NAVIGATION COMPANY Orric»-D-A!m«id* street. Goi&gt;ow«-At K ew Harbour. T^ r^'r^'- J*tes of arriv.il of th* ■»•§'■.&gt; (&lt; *-"tNA
Straits Observer (Singapore)straitsobserver18741111-111 November 18741straitsobserver18741111-1.1.11straitsobserver18741111- 1 Advertisements Column 2I CHARTERED MERCa/'ILE^LNK OF INDIA, LONDOnInD CHINA. (Incobporated bt l*At Chautee.) Capital paid up £750, 00f Resen'eFund£ss ,ooo HALF-YEAELY^TATEMENT. Thk Directors now .sufiit to the Shareholders the Half-yearly Staten»t of Accounts to 30th 1 Junelast, showing a netfofit of £41,871, «35.4d. including £1,661. 1 Is. 4 brought forward from lastNA
Straits Observer (Singapore)straitsobserver18741111-111 November 18741straitsobserver18741111-1.1.11straitsobserver18741111- 1 Advertisements Column 3NETHERLANDS J DIA STEAM NAVIGATION COM ,NY LIMITED. Head Oitice, 13 kCiTM Fblahs, LOKDO.V Thu Company continue- to perform the folluwinjt regular service i the Indian Archipelago, under contract with lie Netherlands Indian Government. FHOM MMiApfl". To B/tavia .via Hiouw »nd Muntok, and back, in cortefponie^e with the i»»«l steamersNA
Straits Observer (Singapore)straitsobserver18741111-111 November 18741straitsobserver18741111-1.1.11straitsobserver18741111- 1 Advertisements Column 4THE QUEI.N INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital Two Millions St:klibo. Oi-fice. QorEs luburance Buildings, Liverpool. Queen Insurance Euildings, 60, Gracechurch Etrcet, London. CLiiiman of the Compan/. Bernard l;all. iW-. tv r x 1 William Hind, EsquireDeputy Chairmen j Patrick Hunter, M Chairman in London. Peter McF.agan. Esqr., u p. Deputy Chairman JohnNA
Straits Observer (Singapore)straitsobserver18741111-111 November 18741straitsobserver18741111-1.1.11straitsobserver18741111- 1 Advertisements Column 5B- ULLMANN, Jewellery axd Watch EsTAßLisaMm, Fakct and Geneh ax Goods STORE. 60, BATTERY JiOJD, Corner of Commercial Square. A complete assortment of Jewellery of the b«*t European maimfacture mH\ be found at the rer., MrtLßAtic*! Boxe., f Singapore, 7th 2»0v., 1874. GEOB^ TEAT Co. GENERAL WAREHOUSEMEN, IMPOBTEES Or tVERTNA
Straits Observer (Singapore)straitsobserver18741111-111 November 18741straitsobserver18741111-1.1.22straitsobserver18741111-1.2.3UNKNOWNUNKNOWN article in the Da* y -iay last, is apparently m\Ai the spirit at the fact of tbe uoral being in the receipt }f ree of $1,000 per annum from the Opiuin Fanner. Without doubt that |s an rraount of money not to be sneezed at i'» the»e impecunious days,NA
Straits Observer (Singapore)straitsobserver18741111-111 November 18741straitsobserver18741111-1.1.22straitsobserver18741111-1.2.4Local.Local. Mails will close tomorrow for Hon^Ki^ •ml Shanghai pfT Afamemnnn at 7 s im,^ and f»r Bangkok per K'umaak at 10 a. Jb. For Malaeci and l'ki*n«,' par Be .urn 0:1 Friday at 1 p. m. I Ihe Mail Tue Mtssagmiet steamer Meik-my, Ci]»t.jin F.»«c if, ai rived inNA
Straits Observer (Singapore)straitsobserver18741111-111 November 18741straitsobserver18741111-1.1.44straitsobserver18741111-1.2.5UntitledIPRHPru^ heavy atreigtu i i-vitdb!e law of "instead of swinging uo further duties for the than save their lives. The l^^^iwTf tL-j action perhaps will account for that ever relu»» from these mi---. slips, to give the ;tubiTc lie benefit of their experience. The builiJ of the vessel, if em-NA
Straits Observer (Singapore)straitsobserver18741111-111 November 18741straitsobserver18741111-1.1.44straitsobserver18741111-1.2.6THE PRINCE OF WALES.THE PRINCE OF WALES. For a long time rumours, occasionally taking the form of Jefin tc aud circumstantial statement*, have Leen current on a subject wLicb, boirevtr delicate, cauAyt be prc- PJ^^^iiker's hindt, M|^ißPffe3^nMrsl«tot O. toSer wiil be sum .i-'RI t j nie.it ev.:ry chim on the Prince. This britiNA

Column legend

Column name
Data type
Unit of measure
Newspaper titlenewspaper_titleText-Title of newspaper
Issue idissue_idText-Issue ID
Issue dateissue_dateText-Issue date
Page idpage_idText-Page ID
Page numberpage_numberText-Page number
Article idarticle_idText-Article ID
Article titlearticle_titleText-Title of article
Article text 1st50wordsarticle_text_1st50wordsText-First 50 words of the article text
ContributorcontributorText-Contributor- an entity that made contributions to the article
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import requests
dataset_id = "d_cce6ead0b8ca810f9ad625d4a3a114d8"
url = "https://data.gov.sg/api/action/datastore_search?resource_id="  + dataset_id 
response = requests.get(url)


This dataset can be reused and cited in research publications.

National Library Board. (2022). Newspapers-Straits Observer (Singapore)-1874 to 1876 (2024) [Dataset]. data.gov.sg. Retrieved February 18, 2025 from https://data.gov.sg/datasets/d_cce6ead0b8ca810f9ad625d4a3a114d8/view

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Created on

26 Sep 2022


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NLB (National Library Board)