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Data from Feb 2024 to Feb 2025Updated 9 months ago
NLB (National Library Board)This dataset is a list of digitised out-of-copyright newspaper articles from the National Library, Singapore.
These materials present a valuable resource on Singapore’s history, art and culture, digitised as part of an endeavour to preserve and provide better access to resources located within the library to enable users to explore and discover these resources.
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Newspaper title Text | Issue id Text | Issue date Text | Edition Text | Page id Text | Page number Text | Article id Text | Article title Text | Article text 1st50words Text | Contributor Text |
(Null)0.0% The Malacca Weekly Chronicle and Mercantile Advertiser100.0% | (Null)0.0% malaccawkchronicle18890525-11.4% malaccawkchronicle18880428-11.4% malaccawkchronicle18890803-11.4% malaccawkchronicle18881110-11.3% | (Null)0.0% 1889-05-251.4% 1888-04-281.4% 1889-08-031.4% 1888-11-101.3% | (Null)0.0% 1100.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% 116.4% 220.1% 325.9% 436.5% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)96.4% Free Press0.5% (Free Press).0.2% Free Pres*0.1% .—Straits Independent.0.1% |
The Malacca Weekly Chronicle and Mercantile Advertiser | malaccawkchronicle18880107-1 | 1888-01-07 | 1 | malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.1.1 | 1 | malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.2.1 | Masthead | THE Malacca Weekly Chronicle AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. MALA.CCA, SATITHDAY.* JANUARY 7. 1888. NO. 1 VOL. I. | NA |
The Malacca Weekly Chronicle and Mercantile Advertiser | malaccawkchronicle18880107-1 | 1888-01-07 | 1 | malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.1.3 | 3 | malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.2.10 | THE IRON SCREW-PILE JETTY. | THE IRON SCREW-PILE JETTY. TVe liftv*» bu»n kindly favorod by the A.-tmg Sup*-; inifinlent of; with the an. joined [*ari icuiJ ra r. gauting ;be i:-vv Fi.-r, now a .-out to b 3 eivciGi: —i.£ v. ill be 11 GO ii. long by loti, w iue X > pt | NA |
The Malacca Weekly Chronicle and Mercantile Advertiser | malaccawkchronicle18880107-1 | 1888-01-07 | 1 | malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.1.3 | 3 | malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.2.11 | NOTES FROM SUNGEI UJONG. | NOTES FROM SUNGEI UJONG. By PErr?,Rc6RM The officers f this'Ph.'e be congratulated who h;r.. creases to the r s.da i.\> i i It is soauMhii g to look fonva. t this getting oi a little su n ad t to one’s sa'ary on the a !vt iT new year.* ''„11 | NA |
The Malacca Weekly Chronicle and Mercantile Advertiser | malaccawkchronicle18880107-1 | 1888-01-07 | 1 | malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.1.4 | 4 | malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.2.12 | Correspondence. | Correspondence. To the Enron. Sir. —Wherever you may go ■into the Country, fro.n this I Ancient City, t \e large masses of j what is commonly tomv-1 here: “‘lron-stone” 'VI tv strike •yo i as being conspicuous. At S ni'/ie Udang t Dorian Tun/al, J 'ssiufjf, an 1 several other | NA |
The Malacca Weekly Chronicle and Mercantile Advertiser | malaccawkchronicle18880107-1 | 1888-01-07 | 1 | malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.1.4 | 4 | malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.2.13 | VARIETIES. | VARIETIES. The ollowing ivivising paragraphB ap,>*MivJ in i'lis Overlaid Mail” ol Sept., t»th. There is a young woman at Beaver Palls, Pennsylvania, who, according to American papots is ro etia ged with electricity that a hairpin which she wore all day was magnetised cnuugh to hold sixty.nine not dies by | NA |
The Malacca Weekly Chronicle and Mercantile Advertiser | malaccawkchronicle18880107-1 | 1888-01-07 | 1 | malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.1.4 | 4 | malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.2.14 | SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE | SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE Arrivals Departures. 3 < ~j, Flag Departure a Vessel's name Captain" and tons From ronsigneeß Rig I Date For »oc. 1 1 i Jan. j 30 Horsburg Etam Gvt.B.e.-jsingaporo o Singapore Government Jan- j j j j 1 PyahPekhot,' O. Wall Brt b.sJ 195 Kiang I 1 do. | NA |
The Malacca Weekly Chronicle and Mercantile Advertiser | malaccawkchronicle18880107-1 | 1888-01-07 | 1 | malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.1.4 | 4 | malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.2.15 | PRODUCE. | PRODUCE. r a Ta-: folio *i»i£ quotiti<»ns n.r* rot-tri-fc 1 from fch. j Sinoapork Free Press of the sth ins*., Jan-rary (t.) Tlambier 6 Y do. Cube No. 1 10.10 do. do. No. 2 nominal Pepper, Black 21.50 do. White, Dry Raio 40. Nutmegs 90. Cloves 33. lalli Coffee, „20.50 | NA |
The Malacca Weekly Chronicle and Mercantile Advertiser | malaccawkchronicle18880107-1 | 1888-01-07 | 1 | malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.1.4 | 4 | malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.2.16 | EXCHANGE. | EXCHANGE. (Corrected vp to Janv&'j 5.) Os London. Bank 4 m e 3.-2| demand 3/1 Private credits 6ms 3/3 documents 0m 8 3/3J 3 m e .3 2J Os India. -Bunk deme.nd 222 Private 30 d s 224) Os Honokosq. Bank demand /*.<>,’“ di* Private 30 d e 2io, d.s. | NA |
The Malacca Weekly Chronicle and Mercantile Advertiser | malaccawkchronicle18880107-1 | 1888-01-07 | 1 | malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.1.4 | 4 | malaccawkchronicle18880107- | Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 | HOLLOWAY’S PILLS Sc OINTMENT The PILLS Puri V thr Blood, Corivet | NA |
The Malacca Weekly Chronicle and Mercantile Advertiser | malaccawkchronicle18880107-1 | 1888-01-07 | 1 | malaccawkchronicle18880107-1.1.4 | 4 | malaccawkchronicle18880107- | Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 | all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH KIDNEYS and BOXY MLS, AND ARĔ INVALUABLE IN ALL COMPLAINT IN IDENTAL TO females. aiE OINTMENT I s UNRIVALLED IN THE URE OF BAB LEGS. OLD WOUNDS, SOR ES AND ULUER FOR, BRIN 'HI MS, DIPHTHERIA G3UT. RHEUMATISM, and ALL SKIN DISEASES Il'S EFFECT | NA |
No results found
Title | Column name | Data type | Unit of measure | Description |
Newspaper title | newspaper_title | Text | - | Title of newspaper |
Issue id | issue_id | Text | - | Issue ID |
Issue date | issue_date | Text | - | Issue date |
Edition | edition | Text | - | Edition |
Page id | page_id | Text | - | Page ID |
Page number | page_number | Text | - | Page number |
Article id | article_id | Text | - | Article ID |
Article title | article_title | Text | - | Title of article |
Article text 1st50words | article_text_1st50words | Text | - | First 50 words of the article text |
Contributor | contributor | Text | - | Contributor- an entity that made contributions to the article |
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