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Chargeable Income of Companies by Tax Group

Updated 5 months ago

IRAS (Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore)
  • Approved Donations refers to the total tax deductions granted in respect of qualifying donations. For the Year of Assessment (YA)2010 to YA2015 and YA2017 to YA2022, the amount of tax deduction granted is 2.5 times the amount of qualifying donation made. For YA2016, the amount of tax deduction granted is 3 times.
  • Chargeable Income is the taxable income of a company less allowable or approved deductions such as business losses, expenses, capital allowances, donations and claims for tax reliefs and tax exemptions. Chargeable income is zero if total deduction is more than total income.
  • Taxable Group means those companies with net tax payable after taking into account allowable tax credits, tax remission, tax rebates and tax deducted at source.
  • There will be differences between the Net Tax Assessed (NTA) and the Tax Collection published on data.gov.sg. NTA is the net tax assessed to be payable or repayable by an entity after taking into account allowable tax credits, tax remission, tax rebates and tax deducted at source, for a specific tax period. This might be different from the amount of tax collected as the taxes could be collected or refunded across different Financial Years (FY) due to taxpayers paying their taxes via GIRO instalments or having their past years’ assessments reviewed.

Chart: Chargeable Income by Tax Group

Data explorer

ChargeableIncomeofCompaniesbyTaxGroup.csv (40 rows, 4.5 KB)

Year of Assessment
Year (YYYY)
Tax Group
No. of Companies Assessed
Total Income
Approved Donations
Assessable Income
Chargeable Income before Reliefs and Exemption
Group Relief
Loss Carry-back Relief
Full/ Partial Tax Exemption
Chargeable Income
Gross Tax Payable
Tax Deducted at Source
Other Tax Set-offs
Net Tax Assessed
Taxable Group50.0%
Non-Taxable Group50.0%
2003Non-Taxable Group76265-157950563035-15798091nanananananananana
2003Taxable Group28538444283341716544411169nanananananananana
2004Non-Taxable Group77484-2202670361064-22087766nanananananananana
2004Taxable Group29360362067001952436187176nanananananananana
2005Non-Taxable Group80653-2040604876668-20482716nanananananananana
2005Taxable Group29095433100671846343291604nanananananananana
2006Non-Taxable Group82535-2218645063207-22249657nanananananananana
2006Taxable Group32032492597492852649231223nanananananananana
2007Non-Taxable Group87157-3320760264061na42590103759486841363999351222238815741375128489-54083
2007Taxable Group364016506016680872na64979294630173202591341043629878191067060610022732233369444997

Column legend

Column name
Data type
Unit of measure
Year of Assessmentyear_of_assessmentYear (YYYY)--
Tax Grouptax_groupText--
No. of Companies Assessedno_of_companies_assessedNumeric--
Total Incometotal_incomeNumericS$ ThousandThe unit of measure is S$ Thousand.
Approved DonationsdonationsNumericS$ ThousandThe unit of measure is S$ Thousand.
Assessable Incomeassessable_incomeTextS$ Thousand"na" : Data not available or not applicable. The unit of measure is S$ Thousand.
Chargeable Income before Reliefs and Exemptionci_before_reliefs_exemptionTextS$ Thousand"na" : Data not available or not applicable. The unit of measure is S$ Thousand.
Group Reliefgroup_reliefTextS$ Thousand"na" : Data not available or not applicable. The unit of measure is S$ Thousand.
Loss Carry-back Reliefloss_carryback_reliefTextS$ Thousand"na" : Data not available or not applicable. The unit of measure is S$ Thousand.
Full/ Partial Tax Exemptiontax_exemptionTextS$ Thousand"na" : Data not available or not applicable. The unit of measure is S$ Thousand.
Chargeable IncomeciTextS$ Thousand"na" : Data not available or not applicable. The unit of measure is S$ Thousand.
Gross Tax Payablegross_tax_payableTextS$ Thousand"na" : Data not available or not applicable. The unit of measure is S$ Thousand.
Tax Deducted at Sourcetax_deducted_at_sourceTextS$ Thousand"na" : Data not available or not applicable. The unit of measure is S$ Thousand.
Other Tax Set-offsother_tax_set_offsTextS$ Thousand"na" : Data not available or not applicable. The unit of measure is S$ Thousand.
Net Tax Assessednet_tax_assessedTextS$ Thousand"na" : Data not available or not applicable. The unit of measure is S$ Thousand.
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  2. 2. Click on the button below

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This code can be used to test a sample API query. It retrieves the data catalogue of this dataset. For a complete guide on query parameters and syntax, please refer to the API documentation. Try it out on your browser to see the response schema.

import requests
dataset_id = "d_f36528163c50ec58405f963595edf875"
url = "https://data.gov.sg/api/action/datastore_search?resource_id="  + dataset_id 
response = requests.get(url)


This dataset can be reused and cited in research publications.

Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore. (2016). Chargeable Income of Companies by Tax Group (2024) [Dataset]. data.gov.sg. Retrieved January 23, 2025 from https://data.gov.sg/datasets/d_f36528163c50ec58405f963595edf875/view

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Free forever for personal or commercial use, under the Open Data Licence.


IRAS (Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore)

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