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Year Year (YYYY) | Sector Text | Type of Expenditure Text | Type of Cost Text | R&d expenditure Numeric |
(Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% |
2018 | Private Sector | Capital Expenditure | Land, Buildings & Other Structures | 50.28 |
2018 | Private Sector | Capital Expenditure | Vehicles, Plant, Machinery & Equipment | 380.4 |
2018 | Private Sector | Manpower Expenditure | Researchers | 2323.11 |
2018 | Private Sector | Manpower Expenditure | Technicians | 82.16 |
2018 | Private Sector | Manpower Expenditure | Other Supporting Staff | 172.53 |
2018 | Private Sector | Other Operating Expenditure | Other Operating Costs | 2629.91 |
2018 | Government Sector | Capital Expenditure | Land, Buildings & Other Structures | 20.92 |
2018 | Government Sector | Capital Expenditure | Vehicles, Plant, Machinery & Equipment | 38.62 |
2018 | Government Sector | Manpower Expenditure | Researchers | 425.2 |
2018 | Government Sector | Manpower Expenditure | Technicians | 21.73 |
No results found
Title | Column name | Data type | Unit of measure | Description |
Year | year | Year (YYYY) | - | - |
Sector | sector | Text | - | - |
Type of Expenditure | type_of_expenditure | Text | - | - |
Type of Cost | type_of_cost | Text | - | - |
R&d expenditure | rnd_expenditure | Numeric | S$ Millions | - |