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Dollar Text | Total 1/ Numeric | (HDB Dwellings) Total HDB Numeric | (HDB Dwellings) 1- & 2-Room Flats 2/ Numeric | (HDB Dwellings) 3-Room Flats Numeric | (HDB Dwellings) 4-Room Flats Numeric | (HDB Dwellings) 5-Room & Executive Flats Numeric | Condominiums & Other Apartments Numeric | Landed Properties Numeric |
(Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% |
Total | 11777 | 8731 | 2521 | 5868 | 8827 | 12244 | 21830 | 28937 |
1 | 5422 | 3937 | 1533 | 3954 | 4552 | 5843 | 13265 | 6161 |
2 | 8352 | 6336 | 2676 | 5064 | 6798 | 8936 | 18363 | 12826 |
3 | 10755 | 8922 | 3212 | 6669 | 9070 | 11243 | 19338 | 17973 |
4 | 14261 | 11095 | 4059 | 8091 | 10493 | 13356 | 23461 | 33478 |
5 | 17247 | 12437 | 3771 | 9671 | 11134 | 14936 | 26365 | 40790 |
6 or More | 21083 | 13325 | 3489 | 8217 | 12166 | 16015 | 44344 | 37135 |
Average Household Size (Persons) | 3.2 | 3.1 | 2.2 | 2.5 | 3.2 | 3.7 | 3.2 | 4.3 |
No results found
Title | Column name | Data type | Unit of measure | Description |
Dollar | Dollar | Text | Dollar | - |
Total 1/ | Total1 | Numeric | Dollar | - |
(HDB Dwellings) Total HDB | HDBDwellings_TotalHDB | Numeric | Dollar | - |
(HDB Dwellings) 1- & 2-Room Flats 2/ | HDBDwellings_1_and2_RoomFlats2 | Numeric | Dollar | - |
(HDB Dwellings) 3-Room Flats | HDBDwellings_3_RoomFlats | Numeric | Dollar | - |
(HDB Dwellings) 4-Room Flats | HDBDwellings_4_RoomFlats | Numeric | Dollar | - |
(HDB Dwellings) 5-Room & Executive Flats | HDBDwellings_5_RoomandExecutiveFlats | Numeric | Dollar | - |
Condominiums & Other Apartments | CondominiumsandOtherApartments | Numeric | Dollar | - |
Landed Properties | LandedProperties | Numeric | Dollar | - |