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Year Year (YYYY) | Region Text | Country of Residence Text | Length of Stay Text | International Visitor Arrivals Numeric |
(Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% |
2013 | AFRICA | South Africa (Rep of) | 1 Day | 4738 |
2013 | AFRICA | South Africa (Rep of) | 11 - 14 Days | 606 |
2013 | AFRICA | South Africa (Rep of) | 15 - 29 Days | 914 |
2013 | AFRICA | South Africa (Rep of) | 2 Days | 4964 |
2013 | AFRICA | South Africa (Rep of) | 3 Days | 4556 |
2013 | AFRICA | South Africa (Rep of) | 30 - 59 Days | 174 |
2013 | AFRICA | South Africa (Rep of) | 4 Days | 2996 |
2013 | AFRICA | South Africa (Rep of) | 5 Days | 1669 |
2013 | AFRICA | South Africa (Rep of) | 6 Days | 935 |
2013 | AFRICA | South Africa (Rep of) | 60 Days & Over | 92 |
No results found
Title | Column name | Data type | Unit of measure | Description |
Year | period | Year (YYYY) | - | - |
Region | region | Text | - | - |
Country of Residence | cor | Text | - | All visitors are classified by country of residence unless otherwise stated. Total international visitor arrivals include all visitors coming by air and sea and non-Malaysian citizens coming by land. |
Length of Stay | los | Text | - | - |
International Visitor Arrivals | dep_count | Numeric | No. of Departures | - |