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Year Year (YYYY) | Major Components Text | Tourism Receipts (TR) Numeric | Tourism Receipts Per Capita (TRPCE) Numeric |
(Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% |
2013 | All Components | 23469 | 1508 |
2013 | Accommodation | 5332 | 343 |
2013 | Food & Beverage | 2294 | 147 |
2013 | Shopping | 4553 | 292 |
2013 | Sightseeing, Entertainment & Gaming | 5471 | 351 |
2013 | Local Transport | 835 | 54 |
2013 | Medical | 832 | 53 |
2013 | Others | 4152 | 267 |
2014 | All Components | 23560 | 1561 |
2014 | Accommodation | 5309 | 352 |
No results found
Title | Column name | Data type | Unit of measure | Description |
Year | period | Year (YYYY) | - | - |
Major Components | components | Text | - | TR Components: (1) Accommodation (2) Food & Beverage (3) Shopping (4) Sightseeing, Entertainment & Gaming (5) Local Transport (6) Medical (7) Other. Other TR components include expenditure on airfares, port taxes, business, education and transit visitors. |
Tourism Receipts (TR) | tot_tr | Numeric | S$ million | Tourism Receipts comprise any expenditure incurred by visitors (including transit passengers, foreign air/sea crew and foreign students) during their stay in Singapore as well as the amount they prepaid on components such as accommodation and sightseeing tours before arrival. |
Tourism Receipts Per Capita (TRPCE) | trpce | Numeric | S$ | Per capita expenditure refers to per person per trip expenditure. |