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Academic Year Year (YYYY) | School Text | Course Type Text | Course Name Text | Gender Text | Count Numeric |
(Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% |
2021 | School of Applied Science | Part-Time | Diploma In Applied Science (Aquaculture) | Female | 15 |
2021 | School of Applied Science | Part-Time | Diploma In Applied Science (Aquaculture) | Male | 45 |
2021 | School of Applied Science | Part-Time | Diploma In Applied Science (Chemical Technology) | Female | 17 |
2021 | School of Applied Science | Part-Time | Diploma In Applied Science (Chemical Technology) | Male | 138 |
2021 | School of Applied Science | Part-Time | Diploma In Applied Science (Veterinary Technology) | Female | 32 |
2021 | School of Applied Science | Part-Time | Diploma In Applied Science (Veterinary Technology) | Male | 11 |
2021 | School of Applied Science | Part-Time | Modular - Applied Science (Chemical Technology) | Female | 1 |
2021 | School of Applied Science | Part-Time | Modular - Applied Science (Chemical Technology) | Male | 1 |
2021 | School of Applied Science | Part-Time | Specialist Diploma In Environment & Water Technology | Female | 2 |
2021 | School of Applied Science | Part-Time | Specialist Diploma In Environment & Water Technology | Male | 26 |
No results found
Title | Column name | Data type | Unit of measure | Description |
Academic Year | year | Year (YYYY) | - | - |
School | school | Text | - | - |
Course Type | course_type | Text | - | - |
Course Name | course_name | Text | - | - |
Gender | gender | Text | - | - |
Count | count | Numeric | Number of Students | - |