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Data from Feb 2024 to Feb 2025Updated 9 months ago
NLB (National Library Board)This dataset is a list of online articles from the National Library, Singapore.
The articles cover a wide range of topics on Singapore, including but not limited to historical events, arts, culture, economy, government and key personalities.
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Identifier uri Text | Identifier uuid Text | Title Text | Alternative Text | Creator Text | Creator people Text | Creator people cn Text | Creator orgs Text | Creator orgs cn Text | Creator lcna Text | Contributor Text | Contributor people Text | Contributor people cn Text | Contributor orgs Text | Contributor orgs cn Text | Contributor lcna Text | Digital publisher Text | Original publisher Text | Date created Text | Has part uuid Text | Description Text | Abstract Text | Table of contents Text | Subject lcsh Text | Subject singheritage Text | Language Text | Ispartof Collection Text | Nlb type Text | Rights Text | Access rights Text |
(Null)10.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)0.0% | (Null)94.6% Lee Kong Chian Research Fellowship Series0.1% AIA<0.1% CTE<0.1% CWO<0.1% | (Null)58.2% Chua, Alvin2.3% Tan, Bonny2.2% Thulaja, Naidu Ratnala1.2% Ho, Stephanie0.9% | (Null)97.7% Cornelius, Vernon {18486743}1.3% Mazelan Anuar {18541777}0.1% Perera, Loretta Marie {18543071}0.1% Sundusia Rosdi {18537349}0.1% | (Null)100.0% 李豪 {18487606}<0.1% | (Null)99.7% Singapore. National Library Board {18338984}0.1% Hwa Chong Institution {18488413}<0.1% Nan Chiau High School {18488326}<0.1% Montfort Secondary School {18488325}<0.1% | (Null)100.0% | (Null)100.0% | (Null)64.2% Tan, Bonny7.1% Tan, Joanna Hwang Soo4.0% Nor-Afidah Abd Rahman3.7% Ong, Eng Chuan2.6% | (Null)99.9% Cornelius, Vernon {18486743}<0.1% Author:Lee, Gracie {18541779}<0.1% Author:Pwee, Timothy {18542806}<0.1% Author:Tan, Joanna Hwang Soo {18541799}<0.1% | (Null)100.0% | (Null)100.0% | (Null)100.0% | (Null)99.1% Author:Phan, Ming Yen0.8% Author:Perera, Audrey0.1% Author:Centre for Liveable Cities, Singapore<0.1% | (Null)33.4% National Library Board Singapore66.2% National Library Board0.2% National Library Singapore<0.1% Nation Library Board Singapore<0.1% | (Null)99.3% National Library Board Singapore0.3% Neil A. Kjos Music Company0.1% Asiaweek0.1% National University of Singapore0.1% | (Null)33.4% | (Null)83.0% 9c05c95c-dd3b-4277-9d69-c5b6f8bdb0ce0.1% 0d5c02a5-83e5-4b5c-a9c7-e1172dd934950.1% 51b8ad75-c973-4ef2-adbe-fb34e61ee1720.1% 62693b31-9ca3-4f2a-9f29-6f05bf7ea0050.1% | (Null)67.3% | (Null)18.1% | (Null)39.3% | (Null)22.1% | (Null)12.9% | (Null)0.2% eng97.3% chi1.5% may0.4% tam0.2% | (Null)3.7% NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Infopedia {10126}30.2% NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Infopedia20.6% NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>HistorySG {18547869}14.6% NLB Collections>>Index to Singapore Information {16145204}|NLB Collections>>Publications>>BiblioAsia {16180172}9.5% | (Null)0.0% Article {18335714}99.9% Article {18335714}|Index {18335984}0.1% | (Null)63.2% All Rights Reserved. National Library Board Singapore 2014.10.9% All Rights Reserved. National Library Board Singapore 2015.4.1% All Rights Reserved. National Library Board Singapore 2013.3.1% All Rights Reserved. National Library Board Singapore 2010.2.4% | (Null)16.2% The information on this page and any images that appear here may be used for private research and study purposes only. They may not be copied, altered or amended in any way without first gaining the permission of the copyright holder.64.8% The information in this article is valid as at 2014 and correct as far as we are able to ascertain from our sources. It is not intended to be an exhaustive or complete history of the subject. Please contact the Library for further reading materials on the topic.10.9% The information in this article is valid as at 2013 and correct as far as we are able to ascertain from our sources. It is not intended to be an exhaustive or complete history of the subject. Please contact the Library for further reading materials on the topic.1.6% The information in this article is valid as at 2011 and correct as far as we are able to ascertain from our sources. It is not intended to be an exhaustive or complete history of the subject. Please contact the Library for further reading materials on the topic.0.9% | | 0031a7ef-ebe2-4c42-af76-eaefeef60b10 | Suntec City | NA | Goh, Daniel Toh Hooi | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Pak, Peter Yew Guan | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | National Library Board Singapore | NA | 5/12/2001 | 3f41f1e9-4b0c-4e54-bf80-29dce1cb23a9|21e681f1-d77a-449b-bcc3-3e0b2839a613 | NA | Suntec City, commissioned and built by a private consortium, began construction in 1989 and was completed in phases between 1995 and 1997 at a cost of US$2.3 billion. Built in the heart of Marina Centre near City Hall MRT station, it has been described as a “city within a city”. It comprises five office towers, a retail and entertainment complex, and a convention and exhibition centre. | [Suntec City] -- Background -- Suntec City Mall -- Fountain of Weatlh -- Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre -- References -- Further resource. | Commercial buildings--Singapore|Convention facilities-- Singapore|Suntec City Development | Commercial buildings {18336159} | eng | NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Infopedia | Article {18335714} | NA | The information on this page and any images that appear here may be used for private research and study purposes only. They may not be copied, altered or amended in any way without first gaining the permission of the copyright holder. | | 00630de3-66bf-467a-bc8a-cec367f1c7f7 | Cold War rivalries fuel propaganda battle in Singapore in the 1940s and 1950s | NA | Chow Chia Yung | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | After World War II, Singapore was a battleground for ideological conflict between the Soviet Union and the United States. | NA | Cold War--Social aspects--Singapore|World politics--1945-1955|Cold War--Propaganda | International relations {18486588}|Politics and Government {18336134} | eng | NLB Collections>>Index to Singapore Information {16145204}|NLB Collections>>Publications>>BiblioAsia {16180172} | Article {18335714} | NA | NA | | 006d4087-4672-425b-a1ab-8ba658c2b1fc | Pearl's Hill | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | National Library Board Singapore | NA | 4/12/1997 | 884095c3-c0a2-4c5b-851b-6d8b0d5dd46a | NA | Pearl’s Hill is an enclave in the Outram area bounded by the Central Expressway, Outram Road, Eu Tong Sen Street and Upper Cross Street. Initially the location of Chinese-owned gambier plantations, the hill was first called Mount Stamford, after Sir Stamford Raffles. Its current name is taken from Captain James Pearl, owner and commander of the Indiana, the ship in which Raffles sailed from Penang in January 1819 on the expedition that culminated in the founding of Singapore. Colonial institutional buildings located here have included the Seamen’s Hospital (predecessor of the Singapore General Hospital), the first Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Outram Prison (also known as H. M. Jail), and the Upper and Lower Barracks of the Sikh contingent of the Straits Settlements Police. | [Pearl's Hill] -- History -- Key features -- Variant names -- References. | Street names--Singapore | Hills {18337794}|Streets and Places {18336099} | eng | NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Infopedia | Article {18335714} | NA | The information on this page and any images that appear here may be used for private research and study purposes only. They may not be copied, altered or amended in any way without first gaining the permission of the copyright holder. | | 007ef29a-1bfb-4781-8e3c-7fe2410222ae | Claire Chiang | NA | Nureza Ahmad | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Tan, Bonny | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | National Library Board Singapore | NA | 8/6/2004 | NA | NA | Claire Chiang (b. 4 October 1951, Singapore–) is a social activist, entrepreneur and author. She was Singapore’s Woman of the Year in 1999, and a former nominated member of parliament. Married to Ho Kwon Ping, president of the Wah Chang/Thai Wah group of companies, she is executive director of Banyan Tree Gallery. Her business acumen led her to break the long-standing tradition of an all-male Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, when she became one of the first two women to be admitted to the organisation in 1995. Notwithstanding her achievements, Chiang remains down-to-earth. She actively advocates for women’s rights, family life and the disadvantaged in society. | [Claire Chiang] -- Early life -- Career -- Contributions to society -- Timeline -- Family -- References. | Businesswomen--Singapore--Biography|Women politicians--Singapore--Biography|Chiang, Claire See Ngoh | Personalities {18336114} | eng | NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Infopedia | Article {18335714} | NA | The information on this page and any images that appear here may be used for private research and study purposes only. They may not be copied, altered or amended in any way without first gaining the permission of the copyright holder. | | 00a44250-ea14-41d0-807b-68dd84a35dd5 | Singapore Institute of Management | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Editor:Han, Jamie | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | National Library Board Singapore | NA | 1/11/2016 | NA | NA | The Singapore Institute of Management (SIM) was founded on 28 November 1964 to train first-class managers for the Singapore economy. Today, SIM comprises three distinct arms: SIM Global Education, SIM Professional Development and SIM University. | [Singapore Institute of Management] -- Background and establishment -- Expansion of course offerings -- Road to university status -- Advising industry -- Campuses -- References. | Universities and colleges--Singapore|Singapore Institute of Management | Education {18339995} | eng | NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Infopedia | Article {18335714} | NA | The information on this page and any images that appear here may be used for private research and study purposes only. They may not be copied, altered or amended in any way without first gaining the permission of the copyright holder. | | 00a6d12b-9d71-491a-936e-1f09c7b23653 | National service: Early years | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | National Library Board Singapore | NA | 22/8/2014 | NA | NA | National service (NS) was introduced in post-independence Singapore when the National Service (Amendment) Act came into effect on 17 March 1967. Then Defence Minister Goh Keng Swee justified the government’s decision to introduce compulsory conscription of male youths on the grounds of establishing a credible defence force and nation-building for Singapore. NS was also seen as the best way to quickly build up Singapore’s defence forces without placing a heavy burden on the country’s financial and manpower resources. | [National Service: Early years] -- National Service Ordinance of 1952 -- National Service after independence -- National Service (Amendment) Bill -- National Service for the pioneer batch -- References. | National service--Singapore | Politics and Government {18336134}|National defence {18337608} | eng | NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Infopedia | Article {18335714} | NA | The information on this page and any images that appear here may be used for private research and study purposes only. They may not be copied, altered or amended in any way without first gaining the permission of the copyright holder. | | 00b9b41e-cc94-444e-97f8-df0ad01b9ddc | Pioneer merchant Alexander Guthrie arrives in Singapore | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | The opening of Singapore as a free port in 1819 attracted many British private traders.[1] These were merchants who operated within the Asian circuit but were prohibited from doing a direct trade with London as this was reserved for the British East | NA | NA | NA | Economy {18486515}|Personalities {18336114} | eng | NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>HistorySG {18547869} | Article {18335714} | All Rights Reserved. National Library Board Singapore 2016. | The information in this article is valid as at 2014 and correct as far as we are able to ascertain from our sources. It is not intended to be an exhaustive or complete history of the subject. Please contact the Library for further reading materials on the topic. | | 00c1c0ff-39bc-43e6-b187-dd21fd918578 | Singapore Institution Free School sets up girls’ department | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | On 4 March 1844, the trustees of the Singapore Institution Free School (renamed Raffles Institution in 1868) decided to set up a girls’ department.[1] The main objective of the department was to shelter local girls from a life of servitude and | NA | NA | NA | Education {18339995}|Events {18455339} | eng | NA | Article {18335714} | All Rights Reserved. National Library Board Singapore 2014. | The information in this article is valid as at 2014 and correct as far as we are able to ascertain from our sources. It is not intended to be an exhaustive or complete history of the subject. Please contact the Library for further reading materials on the topic. | | 00df90f2-a3ac-4e9b-b507-f338eb2f933c | State Development Plan, 1961–1964 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Editor:Lim, Fiona | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | National Library Board Singapore | NA | 11/10/2017 | NA | NA | The State Development Plan, also referred to as the First Development Plan, was the first official blueprint for the economic development of Singapore after it attained self-government in 1959. Produced by the Ministry of Finance, the plan aimed to solve the pressing issues of economic stagnation and high unemployment rate through an expansion in manufacturing. | [State Development Plan 1961–1964] -- Background -- Details of the plan -- Projects under the plan -- Progress and developments -- Revisions and subsequent plan -- Author -- References. | NA | Politics and Government {18336134} | eng | NLB Collections>>Singapore Collection>>Singapore Infopedia | Article {18335714} | NA | The information on this page and any images that appear here may be used for private research and study purposes only. They may not be copied, altered or amended in any way without first gaining the permission of the copyright holder. | | 00ee230c-5b30-4472-8810-bb4547c00a85 | Hear ye hear ye | NA | Loo, Genine | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | bibliography illustration(s) | Elaborates on the contents of the Straits Government Gazette. Its first issue was published in 1858, when Singapore was still a part of the Straits Settlements and under the government of the Colonial Office of Calcutta in India. Traces the changes to the gazette over the years, as a result of Singapore's changing political circumstances. Its content, however, remained relatively similar over the years. | NA | Straits Settlements--History--Sources|Straits Settlements--Politics and government--History|Gazettes--Straits Settlements | NA | eng | NLB Collections>>Index to Singapore Information {16145204}|NLB Collections>>Publications>>BiblioAsia {16180172} | Article {18335714} | NA | NA |
No results found
Title | Column name | Data type | Unit of measure | Description |
Identifier uri | identifier_uri | Text | - | Identifier: Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) |
Identifier uuid | identifier_uuid | Text | - | Identifier: Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) |
Title | title | Text | - | Title |
Alternative | alternative | Text | - | Alternative title |
Creator | creator | Text | - | Creator- an entity that created the resource |
Creator people | creator_people | Text | - | Creator: Personal name |
Creator people cn | creator_people_cn | Text | - | Creator: Personal name in Chinese |
Creator orgs | creator_orgs | Text | - | Creator: Organisational name |
Creator orgs cn | creator_orgs_cn | Text | - | Creator: Organisational name in Chinese |
Creator lcna | creator_lcna | Text | - | Creator: Library of Congress Name Authorities |
Contributor | contributor | Text | - | Contributor- an entity that made contributions to the resource |
Contributor people | contributor_people | Text | - | Contributor: Personal name |
Contributor people cn | contributor_people_cn | Text | - | Contributor: Personal name in Chinese |
Contributor orgs | contributor_orgs | Text | - | Contributor: Organisational name |
Contributor orgs cn | contributor_orgs_cn | Text | - | Contributor: Organisational name in Chinese |
Contributor lcna | contributor_lcna | Text | - | Contributor: Library of Congress Name Authorities |
Digital publisher | digital_publisher | Text | - | Digital publisher |
Original publisher | original_publisher | Text | - | Original publisher |
Date created | date_created | Text | - | Date of creation |
Has part uuid | has_part_uuid | Text | - | The unique identifier of the resource(s) in NLB’s CMS (Content Management System) that are part of the described resource |
Description | description | Text | - | Description of the resource |
Abstract | abstract | Text | - | Summary of the contents |
Table of contents | table_of_contents | Text | - | Table of contents |
Subject lcsh | subject_lcsh | Text | - | Topic of the resource (Library of Congress Subject Headings) |
Subject singheritage | subject_singheritage | Text | - | Topic of the resource (NLB Singapore Heritage Taxonomy) |
Language | language | Text | - | Language of the resource |
Ispartof Collection | ispartof_collection | Text | - | Collection name |
Nlb type | nlb_type | Text | - | Nature or genre of the resource |
Rights | rights | Text | - | Rights of the resource |
Access rights | access_rights | Text | - | Access rights of the resource |
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